14. The Aftermath

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Notes: (It's not that long because I already wrote something similar in the past, so when it comes to Kara taking care of a hurt Oliver, well... there is not many new things to do haha)



Chapter Summary: Promptfrom lovebooks1990: "Hi, I'm A Kariver fan and wanted to give you aprompt for The Emerald-Steel collection, there are stories we're Kara gets hurtphysically by Kryptonite and Oliver helps her, but I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if Olivergot hurt, tortured, the lengths Kara would be willing to go tosave him and take care of him. "


Kara lay in her couch, looking at the ceiling as she thought about her miserable and unlucky love life. She spent 6 months suffering, not knowing if Mon El was alive just to find out afterwards that he was married. His wife was such a sweet person, also a hero and beautiful., she couldn't even hate her. She felt like that for a while and then she started to get over him. It was so hard to see them together around the DEO, but day after day, week after week, things were starting to feel a bit better. Her heart was healing. She knew that one day, her heart would feel whole again and at the right time, she would be happy and in love with someone amazing. In the meantime, she would keep saving the world and dedicating herself to her job. But before that, she needed some rest. She needed some fresh air so an idea crossed her mind.

She got up and walked to her bedroom, coming back with her extrapolator. This was the greatest gift she ever won, because it allowed her to be away anytime she felt like it, and this was one of those times. What could be better than a small vacation on another dimension?

She pressed the button and crossed over to Earth 1 flying.

Once there, she kept flying around, having no idea in which city she was in, but glad to be away from everything for a while. She wondered if her friends were doing fine, and thought about stopping by in Star Labs to see at least half of the team since a few of them traveled through time, a really cool thing she would love do one day.

Kara was distracted with her own thoughts and heard a yell from far away. She tried to focus her hearing and heard even more yells and a weirdly calm voice talking to a man. The man seemed in extreme pain. She had to do something, so she flew towards the direction of the sound she heard.

She finally found the place. It was an abandoned building and Kara thought to herself why it was always abandoned buildings. Things were the same even on different Earths when it came to bad guys, she thought.

Kara reached the second floor and walked through a long corridor. To her right, there was a cell and she thought she saw Oliver Queen inside of it, spread on the ground and chained. She looked closer and yes, it was Oliver Queen. For Rao's sake, what was happening? There was the guy with the weird calm voice, standing before Oliver. A few pictures were spread around Oliver and the guy pointed at them. Kara had a bad feeling about the situation, she had to do something. She grabbed the bars of the cell and gave them a strong pull, tearing them apart and throwing them away.

- Who are you? – The guy looked scared at her and ran towards her, trying to fight her.

- Kara? – Oliver whispered weak from the ground, barely able to see her face.

- Kara? – The guys said as he looked at Kara, trying to hit her, but failing – You know Oliver, then?

- Yes! He is my friend!

- Oh great! One more person to be disappointed with you, Oliver.

- What are you talking about? Oliver is a great guy!

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