47. National City 2047

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NOTES: Hi guys!!! I posted this prompt on Spoiler Alert of Scarlet Canary collection hahaha - that's what it happens when u write 2 collections at the same time lol

I hope u like this one, I was really inspired to write this prompt. I just changed the year because the Flash's future is 2049, Arrow's future is 2040, I picked something in between... 


Chapter Summary: Prompt by sairamelie: After episode 7x16 can you do a story about William and Mia Kariver future kids came with Nora to meet their parents


I got this prompt this week and it inspired me a lot, so there u go ^^ It's 2045 because Arrow's future is in 2040 and Flash is in 2049. I wanted to find a year in between.

Chapter Summary: Prompt by sairamelie: After episode 7x16 can you do a story about William and Mia Kariver future kids came with Nora to meet their parents


Lian Yu.

The hellish island that his father spent years on, the place that changed Oliver forever. The place where he lost his mom, that made him have nightmares as a child. Now he was back on it, as an adult. He didn't feared it anymore, he wasn't scared anymore.

As he walked by, he started to think about his life, about everything that has led him to this moment. He remembered looking for answers and finding only a clue that led him to that place. He saw a shadow from the distance while he tried to look around and think about where to start.

- Who the hell are you? – A guy wearing an old red hoodie said, aiming an arrow towards him.

- Wait a minute... - William said getting a bit closer and taking a proper look at his face – I know you...

- WHO ARE YOU? – The guy yelled.

- William Queen.

The guys lowered his weapon and looked surprised at him, taking his hood off.

- You're Oliver Queen's son?

- Yes. And you're Roy Harper, his old friend...

Roy looked serious at him, not quite believing what he was seeing.

- What the hell are you doing here?

- I'm looking for Kara...

- Kara?

- Kara Danvers...

- Kara... Supergirl? – Roy asked, feeling a bit confused. – What would she be doing here?

- She vanished a few years ago and I recently got a clue about her... It led me here. I have this map, sort of, with me... But I have no idea where to start.

William gave him a paper and Roy looked at it. He gave William a brief smile.

- I know where to look... Follow me.

Roy and William walked until they reached the remaining of a plane that crashed there many years ago.

- This is the place Oliver used to hide when he was there. He told me to use if I ever needed it.

Roy looked around, with the help of William, trying to find something that could give them any clues about Kara. William looked at the corner, on the floor, and saw something weird underneath the leafs.

- Look at this! – He said as he grabbed the object. He had no idea what that was but it had a kryptonian symbol, so he knew he was on the right track.

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