57. The Dress

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NOTES: Hey guys!!! I was inspired today. Hope y'all like it.



Prompt: danversqueen edited and posted an AU about SuperArrow on Instagram and I asked if I could write a short story based on it. I posted the edit on wattpad and challenged my readers to give me situations that scene could fit in. So here are the ideas of Karamelxttes, my_corner2k19, WritersBlock039, blackpantheryeet, 101abndiv and sairamelie.


She was nervous.

She looked at her reflection on the mirror as she washed her hands, trying to take deep breaths. She just couldn't believe it.

She won a Pulitzer.

After Crisis, a lot of things changed in her life, but some remained the same. She had won the Pulitzer for breaking a story about a big corruption scheme inside Luthor Corp. Of course, Lex managed to clean his name, but it was still a huge story. And now, the party was finally happening. She her hair all up in a fancy bun, her fake glasses on and a beautiful pastel dress.

A few of her friends stopped by to congratulate her, like Sara and Ray, but they had to run back to their ship as some soul from hell escaped and they had to stop them from messing the timeline. She knew they used to deal with weirder things than her, but offered her help anyways. Sara told her to enjoy her party, that they were going to be back in a minute. Iris and Barry were still around the party, dancing with each other as were Clark and Lois, Cisco and his girlfriend Camille.

Kara came out of the bathroom, going to the bar to get something to drink when she saw a familiar face.

- The Paragon of Hope won a Pulitzer, I'm impressed! – Kate said, hugging Kara.

- Thank you – Kara said – I'm glad you could come.

- I wouldn't miss it for the world. Nice party – She said.

- Kara, there you are! – Alex came closer and smiled, greeting Kate – Your speech will happen soon...

- I know, you seem more nervous than I am!

Kara adjusted her glasses and grabbed her drink. She took a sip and turned around, seeing Oliver Queen staring at her. She tried to disguise her surprise.

- Hey... I... I thought you would be out of town...

- I had to come and see you. It's not every day your friend wins a Pulitzer. – He smiled, greeting Kate and Alex and giving Kara a hug.

- Thanks for coming. – She smiled

- After I was given a second chance in life, I decided to enjoy it the most I could and there's no better way than enjoying life with friends and watch them get the recognition they deserve.

- I'm glad you are here with us. – Kara said and looked at her sister. – It's time? Ok... I'll be back in a minute. – She looked at them and made her way to the stage as soon as Clark introduced her being the Pulitzer winner.

It was around time for Kara speech, and she tried not to babble. She spoke about her friends and family believing in her and how she couldn't also be where she was if it wasn't for Cat Grant pushing her to be exactly what she wanted, a journalist.

Kara came back to where Oliver was, just to notice he was talking to a beautiful brunette. They looked close and she seemed to be all over him, what made Kara feel a bit weird. She approached them and smiled at her.

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