11. Nevertheless She Persisted

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Chapter Summary: Prompt from WritersBlock039: "what if Oliver was by Kara's side in "Nevertheless She Persisted," or him comforting her in the aftermath."


National City never looked as beautiful as it was that afternoon. Kara was standing in the balcony of the DEO, looking around and thinking about how it all looked so calm. It looked calm but a war was about to go down, she knew it. She tried to avoid it, tried to reach for Rhea, but it was all for nothing. The woman killed her own husband, for Rao's sake. And how she used silver kryptonite on Clark to make him see his worst enemy in Kara, make him fight her. She loved her cousin so much; it pained her to beat him like she did.

- Are you ok? – Kara heard Clark's voice near her and turned around, smiling to see him.

- Kind of... I was just thinking about how it was all for nothing... This thing with Rhea...

- I know you feel bad about it, but you can't beat yourself over this, Kara. It will consume you.

- I know but... I failed!

- No, you did your best. You tried. This is what matters. Unfortunately, there are some people in this world beyond salvation... It was really hard for me to accept this about Lex, so I know what you are feeling now.

- You two were friends, right?

- Like brothers, in a very distant past. What happened to him, was beyond anything I could ever imagine. And there was nothing I could do to change that, and I tried so hard...

- I know... I'm just in the process of accepting things...

- You challenged her, right? To solve this?

- Yes. They have this tradition, so I'm trying to use it on my favor...

- I know it's a big challenge.

- A huge one! How do you do it?

- I just remember I have someone to come back to. Love moves me, inspires me in everything I do. This gives me strength to do what is right, to fight the good fight. I know Mon El is a great guy, and I know you love him... Just find that strength inside you, the love that moves you and you will be able to do it as well.

Kara smiled at Clark as she thought about what he said. Yes, she loved Mon El. The love she felt gave her inspiration to fight and keep going... But something about battling his mom made her uneasy. It was his mom after all. She knew he wanted all of this over just as much as she did, but there was a lot to be worried about. Lena gave her an option and it could affect him directly, affect her. She was trying anything so she wouldn't have to use this option. She could only pray Rao everything to work out.

Clark excused himself to go talk to J'onn while Kara walked towards the main room of the DEO. Mon El came walking towards her with a deeply worried look in his face.

- It's everything ok? – She asked as he came closer.

- You challenged my mom by combat? Kara, what were you thinking?

- That I could find a way to end this without poisoning you.

- I appreciate that, I truly do. But Kara... The risk is not worth it. I'm not worth it.

- Yes, you are!

- Kara... If you lose, you will need to let her rule this world. Are you really ready for this?

Kara stopped abruptly hearing those words and looked at him. Where he doubting her? Assuming she would lose? Had he met her? She tried to take deep breaths so she wouldn't scream right now.

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