7. With a little help from a friend

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Notes: Hi guys. I'm really happy to know u all are enjoying this project.

I just wanted to say something before we get into the new short story:

1 - I write mostly anything, except: nazis (sorry guys, I can't) - I can write evil Kara or evil Oliver, but not the nazi thing. And I don't write explicit stuff (I have nothing against it, I read it, but when it comes to writing, I like being subtle when it comes to love scenes).

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And u'll find out what's next at the end, as usual.



Chapter Summary: Prompt from Riotstarter1214: I know it's similar to my story where i did it with nyssa but it would be cool if only Oliver and William survive the island and Kara moves to earth 1 to help Oliver and they end up together.


Kara was in a hurry to get to Earth 1, since Cisco called her through the extradimensional extrapolator he gave Kara when she helped heroes from Earth 1 with the Dominators. She was already in her suit, ready for battle when she pressed the button and a breach appeared in front of her. From Cisco's message, Oliver needed her help. Barry was trapped in the speed force; Caitlin was nowhere to be seen; Legends were traveling through time fixing a lot of mess and it was up to him and Joe to save Central City, alongside Iris. Kara felt really worried about it. She wondered about the rest of Oliver's team, since Cisco never mentioned any of them.

Once she got through the breach, she stepped right into the bunker Oliver used as his headquarters. She looked around just to find Oliver sat on the ground, his knees bent as he held them with his hands, his head lowered and he looked like he was crying.

- Oliver? What happened? – Kara asked not sure if she should stand or sit by his side.

Oliver lifted his head and Kara saw the devastated look in his face. She never saw someone so miserable and sad like Oliver was right now.

- Something terrible...

He said in a low voice, almost in a whisper. The truth was he couldn't find the strength to say anything.

- Do you want to talk about it?

- I... I don't know... - He said looking at the ground.

- Oliver... - Kara said as she decided to approach him. – Cisco told me you needed me, and it was urgent. He told me about some disaster... If you are willing to talk about it, I'm here for you... If not, well, I can stay here and keep you company at least...

- It's... My team... They are all gone.

- Gone?

- Yes... I'm... I'm so tired... I need...

Kara reached her hand for him as she looked worried into his eyes.

- Why I don't just take you home, you can take a shower, eat something... And then you can tell me about it? I think it will do you some good...

- I can't eat anything now...

- At least rest. You need it. C'mon.

Oliver grabbed Kara's hand and got up as she easily pulled him up. Once they got to Oliver's apartment, Oliver went straight to the bathroom and took a shower while Kara waited on the living room. Kara couldn't help but hear Oliver crying in the shower, he was taking really long so she got worried. She wasn't feeling ok about listening but she worried he would do something he could regret later.

Oliver came back to the living room and sat on the couch. He looked at Kara with his eyes still red from crying and a helpless expression on his face.

- My team was kidnaped with my son and my sister to the island I spent five years on by a guy that hated me for killing his father four years ago. His dad was a dangerous criminal and I used to kill those types back then. – He added as he saw the look in Kara's eyes. – The island was full of explosives and he wanted me to kill him, just to prove his point, that I was a killer. He told me he would kill my son if I didn't kill him. I refused to, and shot his leg, rescuing my kid. If the bastard died, the whole island would explode with everyone I loved there. The bastard killed himself.

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