61. Freaky Friday... ish - A Super Life

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NOTES: Hi guys. How's your quarantine? I'm here with a new chapter to cheer you all up. Imagine the SG 100th episode and that Oliver didn't die post Crisis. Did you do it? So, there you go.

Stay safe out there!

The Next chapter is the one from that edit I showed you before about Mia, Kara and Oliver - SuperArrow Family. Some of u gave me brilliant ideas and I managed to map it out. Gonna work on it soon (I'm locked at home, but still working and creating art so I can stay distracted and I still work with inspiration, so I need to wait for it to knock on my door)

Enjoy it


Chapter Summary: Prompt by NinjaKunoichiReid: Can you do a chapter where Oliver fights a meta human with Kara and when they touched him there powers got switched? – I LOVE THIS SO MUCH


- Maybe it's easier for you, having powers and all.

Oliver Closed his eyes, wishing he could go back in time and not say those words at all.

It all started when Obsidian Tech started to promote their VR lenses through the whole country. People were going nuts, forgetting to live their lives while bad guys took advantage of it to spread crime back in Star City. Crime rates went high in his city and team Arrow was having a bit of trouble to keep things calm.

Kara Danvers felt responsible for it somehow and offered to help control the criminal in his city, but things quickly went downhill. What it was supposed to be a team up ende up with Curtis sending Kara the wrong way, thanks to a trap that criminal planned to confuse her and Oliver was too late to stop a big robbery, that resulted in a shooting between cops and the criminals.

- I'm so sorry... - Curtis said, apologizing for the hundred time on comms – They hacked my system and gave you the wrong direction, I'm sorry, Supergirl...

- It's ok Curtis, it's not your fault...

- Was it my fault? – Oliver said as soon as he got to the bunker.

- No, I didn't say that... I just think you should have been there faster, Oliver...

- How could I? I don't have super speed like you, Kara.

- Guys, please don't argue... - Curtis said.

- Excuse us for a minute, Curtis – Oliver said as he looked serious at him.

Curtis looked at Kara and Oliver and left the bunker, knowing those two would argue for hours if no one stopped them. It had been like that every time they met and he couldn't help but feeling some sort of tension growing between them.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that... - Kara said – I just think that we should have done one thing at the time... There was no use in worrying about Vigilante 2.0 now...

- I had a lead on him, I had to follow.

- It could wait, Oliver.

- No it couldn't.

- Why are you so stubborn? – Kara crossed her arms on her chest

- And why can't you see there was a unique opportunity? Ever since Crisis, we are having a bunch of old foes appearing again as new people, I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything, I don't have an encyclopedia like Cisco does!

- Still, we were in the middle of a mission.

- Kara, I don't have super speed like you do, I could never get there in time, even if I didn't go after Vigilante 2.0.

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