5. Would you be my date?

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Chapter Summary: Prompt from WritersBlock039: Maybe a charity gala at CatCo or L-Corp, or a gala on Earth-1, and either Oliver or Kara makes the jump to be the others' date?


5. Would you be my date?

There was a huge explosion. It was a bomb, maybe planted by Vigilante since he was giving tem Arrow nightmares, doing one crazy thing after another. Oliver was near inside the building and was sure he was going to die; there was no time for him to run away. He felt someone grabbing him and taking him away from there in super speed. He was ready to thank Barry for it when he opened his eyes and saw her. The blonde with long and wavy hair all around her face with her cape moving with the wind. She looked worried at him.

- Th... Thank you! – He coughed.

- Are you alright? – She asked, still looking at him with a worried look in her eyes.

- Yes, thanks to you I am... How did you know?

Kara crossed her arms on her chest, thinking about how she was glad that she decided to visit.

- I had to get away from my Earth for a while, too much stuff going on... When I breached here, I heard your voice talking to your team on the comm and could hear the click noise, someone pressed a button and I could tell it was an explosion. So I followed the sound of your voice and flew here...

- I'm glad you did. I need to go to the bunker. This was a trap!

- Sure... Want a ride?

She smiled shyly at him as Oliver looked at her and thought about it.

- Hum... thanks for the offer, but I prefer my bike. – He couldn't handle another super speed flying right now. One was too much.

- That's ok. I see you at the bunker... If that's ok with you – Kara blushed as she looked at him.

- You are always welcome there, Kara. – He smiled at her, noticing her face becoming red. – Always.

Kara just gave him a shy smile and flew away. Oliver drove through the streets thoughtful. He was beyond glad for Kara's perfect timing, but he also was curious about her visit. It did not take long for him to arrive. As he entered, he saw Felicity and Diggle talking with Kara.

- Oh my God! – Felicity jumped from her seat and hugged Oliver strongly, relieved to see him ok. – I'm glad you are ok!

Felicity held Oliver longer than usual and Oliver caught Kara's eyes on them, like it was a bit uncomfortable. Oliver felt a bit uncomfortable and let go of Felicity, smiling at her.

- Yes, I am, thanks to Kara! That was a trap! We need to know if this was indeed Vigilante, or somebody else!

- We will do it, but you need to go to the gala... as the Mayor... Remember? – Diggle looked at him.

- You need to find those FBI files there. It's all they have on the team.

Oliver looked down, remembering their other dangerous mission. The FBI had some files on the team that needed to be erased, this way they wouldn't be able to mess with them anymore. After the stress with Curtis, Dinah and Renee, it took a long time for them to make peace with each other, and Oliver feared it could happen again. To be honest, Oliver still had some trust issues with the three of them, but he decided to give them another chance. They were taking care of some other thing and Oliver looked back at Felicity, Diggle and Kara.

- I know... But I need help. It's the FBI, it can't go wrong or we all are screwed!

Felicity was thoughtful for a while and was about to say something when Kara got up from her chair, excitedly and walked towards Oliver, stopping in front of him with an excited look in her eyes.

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