36. All that matters

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NOTES: This is the sequel of chapter 29.

I hope u guys like it. ^^

more notes at the end of the chapter


Lena lay down in her bed as she watched Oliver sitting on the bed, with his back to her. Five minutes ago they were arguing and it was not pretty. All because she couldn't help but feel he was different, distant. He couldn't confirm or deny it, so she was worried. She sat down by his side and tried to reach for his hand, but he avoided it. He got up and finally looked at her.

- I don't think things are working between us...

- Why? – She asked, looking serious at him

- Because... Because I don't love you anymore...

Lena just looked at him in complete shock. She was not expecting that. She kept looking serious at him, as calm as she could be.

- Is there anyone else?

- I don't know... I'm still figuring it out, but... I thought it wasn't fair to keep this relationship.

- Have you cheated?

- No.

Lena just stood up and tapped her clothes slightly.

- Lena, please... Say something... I didn't want to hurt you...

- You already did that... You know the way out!

She said as she left the room, still calm. She decided she wouldn't cry or give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he hurt her. She would get over it, she was a Luthor anyways.

Oliver walked out of Lena's place feeling a bit confused. He knew Lena was a bit cold sometimes and he was a bit unsure of her reaction. Maybe it was shock? He was expecting one more fight or something. But he was glad it all ended well, at least he thought it did.

He went back to Star City and tried to focus on his mission, his duty to his city as the Green Arrow. He also tried to organize his feelings because they were all over the place. He was honest with Lena, he had no idea if there really was someone else. He felt attracted to Kara, even more after finding out she was Supergirl, he had a crush on her before dating Lena. It was even more confusing to him because she was Lena's best friend. He decided to do what he loved to do to clear his head: beat up criminals.

What he was not expecting was for Supergirl to show up and help him. She was glowing, like happy for something he had no idea what.

- Nice of you to show up.

- I wouldn't miss a good fight. It's all over the news. – Kara smiled as she flew while Oliver drove his bike.

They used their abilities and powers to work together and soon enough the chaos was handled. Hostages were freed as the bad guys were inside the bank. Supergirl just used her super speed to knock them out while Green Arrow used his tricky arrows to tied them up. While he did that, Kara flew to help the hostages. At least Star City PD appreciated her help. She couldn't say the same of Maggie Sawyer and the National City PD. But she didn't care, the hostages were safe, no one got badly hurt. It was all that mattered.

- So... What's up? – Kara said a bit awkwardly, blushing as she waked with Oliver, but on their suits after getting the job done.

- I broke up with Lena.


Kara turned to look at him, shocked with that news. He said it so bluntly, like he wasn't even bit shaken by it.

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