73. Nobody wants to be lonely

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Notes: Hi guys. Sorry for taking so long to update. I was in the middle of planing the last chapter of Final Crisis story when I had the inspiration to write this chapter. I started to write, it annoyed me and I erased it all and started all over. Now I'm finally happy with the result (yes, I am a perfectionist).

1st: this story happens during Arrow season 6, Flash season 5, Legends season 3 and Supergirl season 3 - no n*zi invasion

Life is crazy as usual, I lost a friend (he was murdered but they found his killers and they are arrested now) so it got me a really long time to be able to sit down and write again. I also had to fix things in cosplay, had jobs to do...but I want you all to know that if there's one thing I will never do is abandon my works. I love to write, and be creative and interact with you guys, ur feedback really matters and inspires me to keep writing, so don't give up on me, I'm doing my best and every time I have a free time, I will keep updating the collections, I've decided I don't want them to have a final chapter, so there will ALWAYS be a new updtade on all three of them. I know I write more here cause this is my beloved crackship, the one that inspired me to write again, but 'm working on possibilities for Elseworlds collection and will be updating Scarlet Canary soon, I just need to finish Final Crisis first.

Enough of me talking, I hope u enjoy this story.

Obs: I also want to know from my readers: what's ur limit when it comes to romantic scenes? I don't like making people uncomfortable and I like to make sure that everyone feels ok to read my stories. This one is T rated, is safe, I just need to know so I can avoid making anyone feel weird.


73. Nobody Wants do Be Lonely


That yell coming from Felicity could be heard from blocks away, he was sure of it. He just wanted to bury his face into the ground as he felt all eyes on them.

Jitters were crowded that night, it was Barry and Iris rehearsal dinner, full of people they knew and loved and as soon as Felicity yelled those words, the entire place fell into an awkward silence.

- I told you last week, I won't change my mind... I don't want to get married at all, never, to anyone...

- Ok, I got it. – Oliver said in a deep low voice, still feeling all the embarrassment of causing a scene on his best friend special night. He could only hope Barry would forgive them for that.

Felicity had tears in her eyes. She took a deep breath and wiped away as she turned to Iris and Barry, who just came downstairs being followed by Kara.

- I'm sorry guys, I... - She turned to look at Oliver – I don't think we should stay together anymore... I... It's over. Please, don't come after me...

Felicity stormed out and everyone turned to look at Oliver, still froze in shock, not knowing what to say.

Barry ran towards Oliver as Kara kept staring at the scene from the middle of the stairs. She was just talking to Barry about how she didn't have her plus one because he went to the future and came back married to someone else, and she still wasn't sure if she could find love like Barry and Oliver did, because she wasn't like them. She wasn't human and she was alone. Now she watched Barry trying to check on Oliver and see if he was ok and thought how life could be so unpredictable, and how everything could fall apart in just one second. She knew, she've been there.

- I'm ok – Oliver told Barry – I'm sorry about that... I was trying to talk to her and she suddenly freaked out...

- It's ok man...I'm sorry for that, she looked like she was serious...

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