38. Everything - Part 2

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NOTES: Sorry for taking longer to update, I had a video editing job to do so it took a lot of my time, but... FINALLY, here it is the part 2.

See you guys in part 3 ^^


It was a bit late and the DEO was in complete silence. Sara lay down on the bed, finally feeling like her body was starting to relax. She was used by now, being in constant alert, always looking over her shoulders, but something that night made her feel like she didn't have to, like it was ok to close her eyes and try to sleep. She started opening her eyes slowly, feeling a bit dizzy from all the medication she took before. Her vision was blurry, but she managed to see a figure sat on the bed next to her. She jumped from the bed, grabbing the person by the neck and pressing on the mattress.

- Hey, it's Barry, calm down... - Barry said as he tried to breathe.

- Oh... Barry? – Sara let him go, feeling confused – You scared me...

- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.

- It's ok... I'm sorry I strangled you...

Sara went back to bed, resting her back on the pillows as she sat, pulling the covers 'til it covered her lap. Barry sat back on the bed again, massaging his throat.

- I'm ok, seriously... - He said after the look of worry in her eyes.

- Barry... Go to sleep.

- I wanted to see if you were feeling better... I kinda feel responsible...

- I told you before, Barry, I wanted to come. You don't have to feel guilty... I am feeling much better. – She smiled – But thanks for the worry.

There was a moment of silence between them and Sara looked at Barry, feeling something was off.

- Are you ok?

- I think so...

- You don't look like you are...

- I'm just... I'm trying to adjust...

- Iris?

Barry nodded with his head.

- We are still friends, but is a bit weird for me...

- You spent more than a decade in love with her, it's completely normal to feel weird after a break up. At least you guys are still friends...

- I thought that was it, you know? That this time around, was meant to be... I just hate that it wasn't... I feel lost sometimes...

- It's ok to feel lost. I know I do sometimes... I had my share of heartbreak and on each time, I learned something new. Then, I closed myself because I thought I was not worthy of having love, that I was too damaged to have someone in my life... Please don't make the same mistakes I made... You guys didn't work out; it happens... You feel sad for a while and move on, but you never close yourself to anyone...

- Mistakes you said? Cause I made a lot... - Barry let a small laugh out as he scratched his head.

- I have to tell you a secret... - She said as she whispered – Sometimes legends screw up the timeline as well, but we end up fixing it, so you're not alone on this... - She laughed, making Barry laugh as well – But I wasn't talking about saving the world mistakes... I am talking about thinking I would never find love again mistake.

- Oh this one...

- Yes... This one...

Sara watched Barry looking at her as he was lost in his own thoughts. They had a lot in common and that was the last thing she would expect. Their talk made her remember all the times she made that mistake, of thinking that she was not worthy. She enjoyed life, for sure, but never took any steps further, never becoming serious in fear of dooming it all. And looking at Barry like that, it reminded her that everyone at some point in life, ends up doubting themselves, wonder if they deserve love or if they will ever find it again, but at the end of the day, everyone finds their answers.

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