2. Role reversal

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Chapter Summary: Oliver thinks life is easier for Kara and her shinny world. Kara thinks things are way easier for him since there are no aliens on his Earth. Who's right? See them challenge each other and try to spend a whole day on each other's shoes to find out.


- Oliver, go to your right! – He heard Felicity's voice on his comm, trying to focus on his task: grab the bastard that was trying to blow the city up.

It was just another Thursday.

Oliver drove his bike focused while above him, on the sky, Supergirl flew.

It was a cool thing, to be able to fly, he thought. It sure made things easier, at least when it came to chase criminals down the street. Constantly, his friends had the habit of forgetting he was just a human, no super powers at all, and it annoyed him. Like, for example, right now, Felicity just made him go straight to a no exit alley, filled with guys with heavy armory, shooting nonstop.

- I'm sorry, it was your left, you could...

- Have taken a shortcut and surprised them from the other side of the street, I know, Felicity! – He said really pissed about her mistake. Lucky for him he had good reflexes and threw himself on the floor, right behind a huge trash can. – Also, I'm not bullet proof!

Supergirl saw Oliver going the wrong way and quickly speed up, landing beside him graciously. She walked towards the guys, bullets bouncing off her. She took their guns in super speed, breaking them in half and throwing it on the floor. Oliver took advantage of the fact that she was distracting them to jump from behind the trash can, attacking two of them at the same time brutally.

- Where is the bomb? – He yelled at one guy, feeling beyond pissed.

- I can't tell you...

- YOU WILL TELL ME OR I WILL BREAK YOUR ARM! WHERE IS THE BOMB? – Oliver said as he beat the crap out of the guy, twisting his arm backwards while he used his free arm to grab the other guys' collar and make him hit his head on the wall.

Kara, with a single punch, knocked the rest of the gang down and looked scared at Oliver.

- I need to do this! – He said while looking at her. – It's the only way he will give me information.

- Maybe there's another way....

- Not in my city!

- Oliver!

They exchanged looks, Oliver biting his tongue. He loved her, yes he did but sometimes her shiny hope that all criminal could cooperate without extreme violence really annoyed him. He tried more than once making her understand things on his Earth were totally different than her shiny and bright Earth, but she could be really stubborn when she wanted to. They were together for a while now and he was used to it, he actually loved her for having this amount of faith in people, because she also had a huge amount of faith in him, but he couldn't think about faith when he had a criminal on his hands that could give him valuable information.

- What do you suggest? – He finally gave in and she smiled at him.

Kara grabbed the guy by his shoulders, looking serious at him.

- Let's try this... You tell us where the bomb is, and we can ask the police to take easy on you... Or you can make this difficult and I can take you to space, where I am sure you'll be convinced to tell us what we want. Your choice...

- This is a joke, right? – The guy told her, laughing at her suggestion.

Kara looked pissed at him, and flew high on the sky with him.

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