15. Duet... Sort of

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NOTES: Hi guys!!!

Here I am with a different version of the Flash Musical episode, Kariver version. I hope you like the twists I gave to the prompt, I just think it would be AWESOME to see Oliver in this situation.

That's it. I hope u enjoy it!!!


Chapter Summary: Promptfrom WritersBlock039: "if Oliver and Kara had gotten together before"Duet," and Oliver and Iris rescue Kara and Barry from the musicalworld." (I confess I changed a small detail because it would be really funny ifOliver was in that dream world with Kara and all the musical going on)


- What exactly did he tell you? – Alex sat on the couch next to Kara, with a glass of wine in her hand, drinking a sip.

- He wanted us to see where this can go... If it has any future...

- And what did you say?

- That I didn't think it was a good idea...


Alex gave a playful slap on Kara's arm and Kara looked at her feeling torn inside. She had been on this flirting and getting to know each other thing with Oliver Queen for a while now, and she really enjoyed his company, but she couldn't help but feeling they were just on a road for suffering and disappointment.

They met when they fought Dominators and saw each other once again afterwards, to help Barry with a big problem he had with a guy named Savitar. And since then, Kara has been thinking a lot about him. The fact that he had kissed her right before she came back to her Earth helped a bit.

- I know... - Kara said looking really torn to Alex – I mean... When he kissed me, it was something so... It took my breath away, I felt on cloud nine... I was shocked because he was so kind and sweet, so different from what I'm used to see, you know?

- I believe when I saw him that time, I thought he was a grumpy and violent man that had no chill for anything... Glad to know I was wrong...

- Kind of... - Kara laughed – I mean... He has his moments, he gets way too serious about things sometimes, but he can be sweet and fun...He just doesn't let barely anyone see it.

- He must really like you, sis.

- I don't know... I mean... We could try, but... He is the Green Arrow, a vigilante in his world. And by day he is the Mayor of his city. He also has a kid. That it's not the problem, but... It's a lot. I'm not sure adding one more thing to the list would be a good idea.

- I'm glad the kid is not the problem for you, because you are great with kids... But, I don't know Kara; I think you are over thinking it. Don't stress about it, just... Live it!

Kara thought about what Alex was telling her. She feared it was too late, and still had he doubts. She wasn't sure if she was willing to risk it. She also had her job, her super hero duty. It was sure a lot for a long distance relationship thing. It was for the best, she thought to herself.

Alex got up to pick another glass of wine when a weird figure showed up on Kara's living room, out of nowhere.

- What do you want? – Kara asked, prepared to fight – Who are you?

- Stop right there, or I will shoot you! – Alex pointed her gun to him.

The guy just smiled at them. He wore a suit and tie, all black and white and had dark curled hair and hypnotic green eyes. It was like he was out of this world. He showed Kara's extrapolator on his hands and Kara looked confused at him. Her device was on her room, how it was on his hands right now? He looked deeply into her eyes and Kara felt dizzy, falling down, with Alex running to catch her on time.

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