29. All Or Nothing

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NOTES: Hi guys!!!

I'll try to update more often because u guys are sending me so many great ideas, Im fangirling a lot here *_*

I hope u guys like this one, it's pure angust.


Chapter Summary: Prompt by orthankg1: "How's this, it's a bit AU. Lena and Oliver are togeather, they are all living on the same Earth, with Kara as Lena's best friend and assistant who has a massive crush on the boss's boyfriend. Oliver likes Kara, but just as a friend. No one knows that Kara is Supergirl and Oliver is the Green Arrow, he has a lead lined hood, who ocasionally save the city togeather. Supergirl save Oliver as Oliver. Long story short. Kara likes Oliver, Supergirl likes the Green Arrow, Oliver develops something of a crush on Supergirl, and Lena is the wonderfull girlfriend/friend who thinks there is something going on with the two, and it's all one big complicated mess."


She bumped on him twice that day.

How could she bump on him twice the same day like that? How could she just stand there, lost into that deep blue eyes of his? That perfect smile that she never knew if it was a sarcastic one or a genuine one.

She felt guilty.

Guilty, because she tried to deny it, but it was impossible by now. Not after what happened.

She was falling for her best friend's boyfriend. And she knew she was in deep trouble.

- I'm a terrible friend! – She whispered to herself as she walked through the DEO.

- Why are you a terrible friend? – Alex, her sister, asked as she approached Kara on the corridor.

- Nothing... I... I need to go home... I see you later.

Alex looked at Kara, finding it really weird her behavior. It was not like Kara was sick or anything, she just fought a giant monster a few hours ago. She was tested and her health was perfect. She thought it was a personal thing and she would tell her when she is ready, Alex thought.

- Ok, sis. If you need anything...

- I know – Kara smiled and stormed away.

Kara flew high on the sky as she remembered the day she met him. It was the best and the worst day at the same time.


Kara walked around the DEO feeling like she could have a clone or something. There was a lot to do at CatCo and it was not like she would use her powers in her work. Somebody could see it, and it wasn't right anyways. She carried a huge pile of papers and got distracted when she felt a shoulder collapse on her shoulder, making the pile of papers a rain of papers right in front of her eyes.

- I can't... Believe it! – Kara said as she looked hopeless to all the paper falling. – You should watch... - She started with an annoyed tone on her voice and looked to her side just to see a tall blonde man with a look of desperation on his face. – where you're going... - She completed, adjusting her glasses as she blushed.

- I'm so sorry... - He said as he tried to help her collect all the papers back. – I was distracted with my phone, and didn't see you... Are you ok? Did I hurt you?

- No, it's... It's ok... - She looked at the pile of papers he was giving back to her and smiled at him. She decided she would, just this once, use her powers to organize everything again later. – Are you... Looking for someone?

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