52. Life lessons are forever

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NOTES: Hi guys!

I know I took way longer to update this time. So much happened over the last month. First I lost my grandma, it took me about half of this time to recover, then my computer started turning off every time I tried to use it. That's why I was away for a while. 

Gladly now is everything working just fine, so I managed to update this collection! 

BTW I want to start working on my version of Crisis on Infinite Eaths crossover, so expect new stuff coming soon ^^.

For now, enjoy the chapter.


Chapter Summary: Prompt by WritersBlock039: Here's one! Oliver, John, and Thea go up against who seems like their normal target in Star City when he suddenly makes them appear "somewhere they're needed most." That somewhere is Earth-38, where Kara is up against Project Cadmus by herself. Basically, Team Arrow is stuck on Earth-38 and unable to return to Earth-1 until Oliver and Kara fall in love. Any season, but the more protective Team Arrow is of Kara, the better.


Oliver ran like it was the last day of his life, faster than he could ever run. And maybe, if he failed de mission, it would be the last day of his life, so it was important to have focus, and run. Diggle was just behind him, also running and ready to shoot. They had just a little time before the bomb could explode.

Both vigilantes were the only ones available on Team Arrow to deal with this last minute mess. Felicity hacked a network of a cult infiltrated on Star City that was determined to explode the city to exterminate de vigilante plagues, as they called it. She found about one of the bombs and sent Diggle and Oliver to take care of it.

- Tell me again why the others can't help? – Diggle said annoyed and he shoot one of the criminals on the shoulder.

- Wild Dog is away with his daughter and Dinah is taking care of something with the CCPD. It's just us, it's time to deal with that. – Oliver said as he used a tranquilizer arrow in a guy that was running towards him.

- Not when we are outnumbered!

- Guys, you're almost there! - They heard Felicity on their comms.

Two guys walked behind them and were ready to take them down when they heard screaming. Oliver and Diggle managed to cut the wires of the bomb and turned around just to see Thea in her Speedy suit, with her bow on her right hand and smiling at them.

- Did you miss me?

- Thea! – Oliver ran towards her and gave her a tight hug. – What are you doing here?

- Nice to see you too brother! And you, Diggle. – She smiled, hugging Diggle next.

- I'm glad to see you, Speedy. I just want to know how you knew we were here.

- Felicity may or may not have mentioned you guys needed help. And I missed you guys, and this, so... I came. We have two more bombs to disarm by the way...

- Let's go! We can catch up later – Oliver nodded at Thea and Diggle and they ran away from the building.

Once the three of them got to the last bomb, inside a Chinese restaurant, more people from the cult showed up and fought them.

- Where those guys are coming from? It's like they're everywhere! – Diggle shouted to Oliver and Thea as he punched a guy in the face.

- They are everywhere! I think they want to make sure they plan goes well. – Oliver said, knocking out the last guy.

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