54. A Super Xmas

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NOTES: Hi guys. As I told some of u, I had a small surgery last week. It was nothing serious, just had to take off something from both my armpits and the doctor told me to rest for an entire month. For a whole week I couldn't do much, I hate this post surgery moments when u depend on people for everything and get bored because u can't do many things. I'm better now, fully recovering but the pain is still real, so to write, I have to do it slower than I usually do. I was super inspired and couldn't do it all at once. But now, I finally finished it.

I hope you all like it. I did my best to join 2 prompts and there's one more holiday story to do, with the remaining prompts I got from you ^^

BTW: thanks for the support, for commenting and enjoying my work. All of this, inspires me to keep writing and it makes me really happy to see people enjoying those ships the same way I do.

Happy holidays to you all!!! 


Chapter Summary: Promt by 101abndiv: Kariver/Scarlet Canary where all the heroes go to a cabin out of town together for a sort of Justice League Christmas getaway to relax and celebrate together, in which Kariver and Scarlet Canary are both together and trying to keep it a secret (not very well) while trying to get some alone time together, and hilarity ensues --- And by Karamelxttes: How about a double date in the ice ring that leads to an unfortunate team up because criminals are the worst. Then they all end up cozied up back at STAR Labs, wrapped in blankets with hot chocolate and all of them singing Christmas carols.


Cisco paced from one side to another while he waited. He was too anxious to wait and was getting annoyed by the second. It was not usual for people to be late when he called them, especially his super hero friends, so he was thinking a list of all names he would call them later. One by one, they started appearing and he smiled at them.

- Please don't tell me the world is ending again... - Ray Palmer said as he walked towards a chair, with a worried look in his face.

- Please, we just saved the universe... Again... - Kara said as she crossed her arms, also with a worried look in her face.

Sara, Dinah Drake, Oliver, Laurel, Killer Frost, Barry, Ralph, Diggle, Kate Kane, Lyla, Alex and Mick all approached Cisco, waiting for answers, all with concerned looks. The only time they all gathered like this was when the world was ending and needing saving.

- I mean, it's almost Christmas... - Laurel looked at Dinah, that nodded at her.

- This is the point of this meeting. – Cisco said – I was thinking to myself: we saved the universe again, we need a break.

- Like... a vacation? – Killer Frost asked.

- Exactly! – Cisco smiled at the others – We need to stop getting together only when we need to save the world, we will traumatize the new girl... - He pointed to Kate at his right side.

- You do have a point... - Sara said and smiled too – I need a break from time traveling, the three of us does! – She pointed at herself, Mick and Ray.

- So... Are you all in? – Cisco asked, looking hopeful at everyone.

They all exchanged looks, thinking about it and little by little, the rest of the heroes were getting excited with the idea of taking a small break to truly enjoy the holidays, something they rarely did.

- My family owns a cabin in New Zealand... - Kate said after thinking for a while – No one's using so...

- YAS! That's the spirit! – Cisco clapped – I knew I would like you!

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