26. The Difference

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Chapter Sumary: Prompt by H: "Do one where kara is captured by cadmus and Oliver goes full on hood to rescue her" and prompt by jul9xa: "What a great chapter!
I have an idea, what about some kind of drama? I mean a break-up or a quarrel, and then an understanding and a forgiveness.
Life can't be so easy;)"


He had enough of waiting.

Or was he being dramatic?

Oliver was feeling really lost as he paced from one side to the other on his bunker. His team was already gone and he was left with Barry there, after they defeated one more threat, a lunatic meta human that made Oliver ask for Barry's help.

- Are you ok? – Barry asked as he saw Oliver behave in a weird way. He had never seen Oliver that way.

- I'm just worried... Have you talked to Kara?

- Kara... Supergirl? No... Not lately. Why do you ask? – Barry smiled with a knowing look, earning a talk anything and I will shoot you again look from Oliver.

- We chat sometimes...

- Do you? – Barry crossed his arms, smiling widely.

- Barry! – It was a warning tone.

Barry's smile vanished in seconds. He looked unsure to Oliver, full of questions but afraid of asking them.

- Ok man... Please go on...

- She tried to reach for you for some advice; through her device... and no one answered...I was with mine and saw it beeping. She asked me if it was ok for her to talk to me and she did...

- You gave Supergirl some advice?

- Barry, I swear to God...

- Ok, sorry... What happened next?

- We kept talking. I don't know but something about her brings me peace, it's easy to talk to her... I think it's the whole another Earth away thing but... She kind of helped see some things clearly as well... Especially about my break up with Felicity...

Barry looked at Oliver but kept quiet.

- I didn't say anything! – Barry tried to hold back his smile and looked innocently at Oliver.

- But now... It has been 1 month since our last chat. I'm worried.

- Since our devices won't open breaches, Cisco's idea, not mine – He added, noticing the look in Oliver's face – it was for safety... And it only works for communicating; we can go to Star Labs and ask for his help.

- Hum... - Oliver said as he thought about the idea.

- I would totally help you on this man, but I have a huge problem in my hands right now...Just know that... If things get too ugly, don't hesitate in call for help, whatever happens!

- Ok. – Oliver said as Barry grabbed his arm and in a second they were at the cortex of Star Labs. – BARRY! – Oliver said as he almost threw up.

- My bad... It's urgent! We cannot waste time.

Once Barry and Oliver found Cisco, they explained the situation and Cisco opened a breach.

- In 48 hours I'm going after you, and if things are bad there, I will bring reinforcement. – Cisco warned

- Thank you Cisco – Oliver smiled at him and stepped into the breach.

Once the portal closed, Barry and Cisco looked at each other.

- He thanked me and smiled... He has a crush on her! – Cisco said.

- Totally! – Barry agreed with him.

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