63. What happens in National City...

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NOTES: Hi guys! A few days ago I asked for suggestions for a fun chapter of the Emerald Steel Collection and some of u sent me, and now I'm here with a new chapter! 

I usually do this in Wattpad because it's easier to have feedback and talk with everyone, we have direct ways to do that, BUT I also save all good ideas I get from u guys from other platforms (AO3 and FF.net) So keep them coming, once inspiration kicks in, I work with it ^^

I also MIGHT do some story with multiple chapters soon, it will depend on how inspired I get. Hiatus is coming, and we know it will be a long one, so maybe this will keep you all entertained. Let's just hope I can come up with something. I already know which ships I'll work with. Kariver and Scarlet Canary being the main ones, but maybe you all want to see more? So leave your suggestions here in the comments. If I end up doing this story, I let you all know. 

This one here is POST CRISIS and Oliver came back to life. 

Ideas from:  Mal_AgentOfSHIELD, Karamelxttes, WritersBlock039, mosullivan23, tommydragonYT



Kara turned off her phone and smiled to herself. It was a new world, one with all her super friends living on the same Earth, things were a bit crazier than before and she knew it, but she couldn't help but feel less alone. She was always surrounded by her friends like J'onn, Nia, Brainy, her sister Alex, she had Eliza and all, but they never actually understood her, what she had been through the way she saw things. Somehow, Oliver, Sara and Barry, even being humans, they have been through similar challenges and hardships, so she felt a bit closer to them than others. Sometimes she doubted Sara was actually human, for the amount of times she died and came back to life, but that was another story.

She finally convinced them to hang out with her in the alien bar in National City, so she could show them how an amazing place it was. Not that they didn't want to, but they were always dealing with end of the world problems, so they never actually had time for that. But now they had, and she was excited. She texted them the address and agreed to meet them there. She put her favorite jeans, a grey sweater, let her hair down, put her fake glasses on and left her apartment.

- Hey there. – She said as she greeted Oliver as he was the first to arrive.

He smiled, greeting her back and sat across from her in the booth.

- How are you? – Oliver asked, noticing there was something different with Kara today.

- I'm great. And you?

- I'm amazed with the fact that a speedster and a time traveler manage to be late every time we go out. – Oliver teased, making Kara laugh. – Other than that, I'm just fine... From someone that came back from being a Spectre, at least.

- Oh, you get used to it. Coming back to life is a piece of cake – Sara said as she arrived and sat next to Oliver, nodding at the two of them. – Sorry, team screwed up at the last minute, had to fix it.

- And what else is new? – Oliver said as he stared at his phone. – Barry's here.

Barry arrived and sat next to Kara, apologizing for being late.

- Well, since we're all here now... - Kara said as she smiled at the three of them. – This is where all aliens from everywhere come to hang out, a place where they can be themselves... And they have cool drinks...

- This is really cool, Kara. – Sara said as she looked around, admiring the place and its people. It felt good to be in a place where people could just be themselves, no judgment. – And I want to know more about those drinks... Tell me everything!

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