30. I've Just Seen a Face

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Hey orthankg1 

About ur prompt (chapter 29): Yes, I did that ending on purpose... Because In a near future chapter of this collection, I will do the sequel, wrapping up the arc. I do not have one writing style only. I like to play with possibilities, to work with the big what ifs so I can answer the questions later. And I don't like writing all my fics the same way, I play a lot with different styles.

About the storyline: there's not much I can do with little information. Usually people give me their ideas and I work with that and expand the whole thing. I'm sorry but ur prompt got me a bit confused, so I did the best I could with the info I had. It's always good to be as clear as possible, so the author can understand it and work with it. Also, I need to be objective on the collection because they are supposed to be short stories. If I'm not, it turns into a multi chapter fic, and right now, with things going crazy in my personal life, I don't have the time to dedicate myself to a multi chapter fic, that is why I'm working with short stories: cool ideas, easier to do and things are way more objective. I really need people to understand this, because sometimes they send me huge prompts and I can't write them, sadly.

I am not angry or being rude btw (people usually tell me that a lot by the way I speak ^^)

Now, back to the new chapter.

Yes, the title is the Beatle's song. The lyrics has EVERYTHING to do with this fic haha.

I'm back sooner than expected thanks to inspiration kicking in. Is 3 am here in Brazil, but brain wants to work, so we work... yes, I'm weird like that.

Hope u guys like this one ^^


Chapter Summary: Prompt by victor 17: "Other idea is that Oliver or Kara lost the memory like in flash Cause and Effect it could be interesting." – Oliver...definitely Oliver will lose his memory. Ideas are already popping into my head.


The TV on the central room of the DEO was on and everyone watched as the news reported an accident downtown. It was a mess and a lot of people were hurt. The police were trying to figure it out what happened when Kara took a few steps closer to the TV, startled.

- That's Oliver!

- Who? – J'onn said as he looked confused at her

- My friend from Earth 1 that is a vigilante...

- The Green Arrow... - Alex said as she looked closer as well – He is here... And hurt... How?

- That's what I'm going to find out.

Kara turned around and took flight where the accident happened. She landed near the place and walked towards a police officer.

- Hey Supergirl.

- What happened officer?

- People say this guy appeared out of nowhere and fell here. Then one alien bumped into him and beat the crap out of him. The fight caused the cars to hit each other and this mess happened. There are a few people hurt over there – He pointed and in seconds Supergirl took one by one to the hospital.

- I know that man! – She said as she pointed to Oliver on the ground. – I can take care of him with my team.

- We need to fill some papers.

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