28. The Wizarding World of... Multiverse?

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NOTES: I'm reallyyyyyyy sorry for taking this long. Because it was tricky hahaha

I don't write Harry Potter since I was like 13 years old. And I used to do fics with a lot of chapters and complicated plots... This one almost turned into an independent story, so I had to remind myself I can't compromise yet to do it, so I had to keep things simple. It was really hard for me hahaha But I managed. I also remembered that I wrote a crossover between Harry Potter and Labyrinth (a movie with David Bowie from 1986 about goblins and magic) and it turned out soooo cool, I actually tought about doing a new crossover with Arrowverse and Labyrinth somehow... If I find time to work on a huge fic again, I might do it... (If u never saw the movie, please do it...it's...magical...) 

Thanks for commenting and reading, it keeps me motivated ^^ 

and here we go...


Chapter Summary:  Prompt by pbd0910: "I don't know why but I love this one shot so much <3

And also, since you're taking prompts, I'd like to ask a Hogwarts\hp AU. It would be awesome"


It was a nice Saturday afternoon and since everything was in control at DEO and there was no sign of the third World killer or Reign, Kara took some time off to visit her friends on Earth 1. They had just won a huge battle against an evil guy named DeVoe and all team Flash were celebrating at Star Labs.

- I'm almost afraid of celebrating... Because every time we do, something bad happens. – Barry commented as he approached Kara and Cisco.

- I know what you mean. – Kara looked at him – We are still fighting world killers back on my Earth, and there is so much going on... All of this right after Daxamites tried to dominate my world. I just wanted some vacation...

- Me too... - Cisco said as he looked at the door, with a worried look in his face – I smell trouble...

- Hi to you too, Cisco! – Sara said as she entered the cortex with Ray and Zari.

- Hi – Cisco gave her an awkward smile. – I'm sorry it's just that... You guys never visit, except when there's some trouble...

- We would love to visit more, but there's always some idiot messing with time! It's always up to us, to fix it! – Zari said, looking at everyone else in a funny way – What?

- Nothing... - Barry said as everyone kept staring at him. – So... What's up guys?

- We have a problem. Call Oliver! – Sara said as she reached for a chair and sat down.

- I told you! – Cisco laughed but suddenly stopped after the look Sara gave him.

- I have a better idea...

Barry vanished and seconds later, he came back with Oliver, that looked like he was going to vomit.

- BARRY! – Oliver said as he looked annoyed, closing his eyes and trying to breathe.

- I'm sorry man... It seems urgent...Sara asked to call you...

- And what do you have against phones?

- I thought I could save time...

- Ok...

Oliver lifted his hand, still breathing hard and the opened his eyes. The first person he saw in front of him was Kara, and this took him by surprise. Kara smiled shyly at him, that only nodded with his head at her. He was not expecting to see her again anytime soon, and suddenly he felt really a warmth on his stomach that he chose to ignore.

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