21 - I know you from somewhere

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Chapter Summary: Prompt by Jasw: "I have this idea in my head and would love to share it with you and see if you can bring it to life. It could take place before reign or after defeats her. Both oliver and kara are feeling down after the wedding kara having to constantly see mon el with imra and oliver dealing with felicitys rejection since she did not marry him and he decided to end it. One of them you choose who gets saved by their son or daughter again your choice and the child has karas powers and olivers skills. The child got displaced in time and needs their help to go back making one of the contact the other to explain about their child and having them come together to help their child and realize that they are destined to be with each other and that a great future awaits them. It would be awesome if oliver had to go to earth 38 and mon el had to see the family together. I think is fair since kara has been in so much pain and thinking that she is destined to be alone."


Barry walked back to the table he shared with Oliver and Kara in his favorite Bar in Central City. He brought drinks and Kara smiled.

- Club soda is amazing everywhere.

- I just don't get it what's the appeal... Its carbonated water – Oliver looked at Kara being so happy with her drink. That was something he never understood in the meantime he got to know her.

- That's the appeal. It's so simple... It's delicious!

- I wish I could get drunk – Barry said as he sat down and looked at his friends.

- Life's that bad? – Oliver joked.

- No, it's just... I need a special drink only Cisco can make... It's sad...

- On my Earth we have this alien bar that makes amazing special drinks for people who wants to get drunk and can't... - Kara said casually.

- And you know this because...? – Barry looked surprised at Kara.

- My ex challenged me once and one drink got me really wasted. I have the same issues with alcohol that you do Barry. And I discovered that day that I hate it – She gave a small laugh as she drank her club soda. – Not funny!

- I'll be right back – Barry said as he got up again – Bathroom... - He smiled and turned around.

An awkward silence fell between Kara and Oliver as they kept drinking and looking at each other. Kara blushed as she noticed Oliver's eyes on her and she tried to hide it, failing miserably.

They have been teaming up from time to time, jumping between their Earths to help each other. Kara and Oliver ended up becoming a bit closer than any of them expected and now things were a bit weird. Kara knew she felt nervous around him but she had no idea how to deal with her feelings, or what was those messed up feelings. She wasn't sure of anything but one thing she had in her mind: Long distance – universes away distance – relationships wasn't a good idea.

- Listen... - Oliver started, clearly tired of that silence. He felt his heart beating a bit faster as he felt nervous about bringing the subject up – About that kiss...

- It's ok Oliver. – She said as she finished her drink – I don't regret it...

- Neither do I, and that's what I wanted to talk to you about...

- But...

- There is always a but... - Oliver lowered his head, murmuring to himself, knowing she could listen. He looked back at her, waiting for it.

- But – She said it again and reached for his hand – Things could never work like that between us... You know it...

- Actually, I don't... Cisco makes it work...

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