69. A different day

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NOTES: Hi guys. I'm soooorryyyyyyyy it took me so long to update anything. I've never had a writer's block before, is awful. I just felt inspiration kicking back again so I took advantage to update this collection. I'll update Scarlet Canary one next. 

I promise I'll update Infinite Crisis soon. I have it all maped out but I still need to stretch each chapter, and for that, I'm having a small block. In the mean time, I'll update more the collections. 

For this one, I saw a video of Melissa going after cotton candy on Supergirl set, and had this idea of Kara being really happy with a lot of candy in some situation. So I wrote this.

Please, keep sending me your prompts, the ones I can work with I'm adding to a list so I can write them as inspiration comes. Your ideas are awesome, I still have many saved here.

I hope you like this. 



Kara stepped inside Star Labs, wondering what was happening now since Barry, her friend that was also a superhero like her, sounded really anxious in his voice message. He told her he could only talk about it in person, so she used her super speed to change into her Supergirl outfit and stormed out of her apartment, flying to Central City. It was a real quick flight, but it gave her enough time to think about everything that has happened since she last visited.

The world, actually the multiverse basically ended, she made new friends, lost a dear one, then he came back to life after a while and now each one of them were trying to keep their cities together as they dealt with all the changes that happened. To remember 2 different timelines wasn't an easy thing to do, but they were trying their best. Especially her, because half the world saw her worst enemy, Lex Luthor, as a hero and she was really pissed about it.

As soon as she stepped inside the cortex, she saw Barry Allen, Sara Lance, Jefferson Pierce, Oliver Queen, J'onn J'onzz and Kate Kane already there, talking. They stopped as soon as they saw her. Kate walked closer and hugged her, happy to see her closest friend among all superheroes.

- You know, for someone with super speed, it took you a while to get here... - Oliver said.

- It didn't take that long... - Kara said as she looked at Barry, who nodded at her – Ok, I got distracted... But... What's the emergency?

- Yes, Barry, now you can finally tell us! – J'onn said, feeling a bit annoyed at all the secrecy.

- Well... Nothing.

- What? – Oliver said in a serious face – Nothing?

- Yes, nothing... I mean... I gathered you all here because... Ok, don't kill me, guys – Barry said noticing Sara and Oliver were practically murdering him with their looks – I just thought it would be fun if we could hang out, like actually hang out.

- You said it was an emergency. – Kara said.

- It is. We're all friends and barely see each other. Last time, Oliver died... Well, he came back but you get the point. – Barry said as he walked around everyone – Also, we can take this opportunity to get to know Jeff and Kate more, don't you think?

- And what do you suggest we do? – Sara crossed her arms, thinking about what Barry was saying. He did have a point.

- We can go to the movies! Like normal people do! – Barry said excitedly.

It took a while to convince everyone but they ended up agreeing. Barry was right, they barely hang out, it was always a team up when the world was ending and if they learned something from Oliver dying and coming back, was that life was precious and they should enjoy it more with friends before it was too late. All of them had civilian clothes on, so they wouldn't draw too much attention. After the events of Crisis, they all were pretty known in this new Earth, so it would be a disaster if they tried to do anything fun as heroes. To everyone else, they were just a bunch of regular friends going to watch a good movie.

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