58. How I met all superheroes and the love of my life.

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NOTES: Hi guys. As you all know, I post my satories in 3 sites: wattpad, ffnet and AO3 and I'm always getting prompts and ideas from u guys, so I always try to use them the best I can.

The last idea I had and asked you suggestions, u guys gave me many great ones and I tried my best to work with all of them, so I hope u guys like it ^^

And yes, this one has HIMYM references because why not? haha



She grabbed the arrow from inside the quiver on her back and aimed, focusing on her target.

- Ready?

- I was born ready big brother! – She smiled.

William pressed a button and a bunch of tennis balls flew around her. She managed to hit all of them and looked victorious at her brother.

- Guess who owns me a Big Belly Burger combo?

- You own us an explanation Mia Danvers Queen!

Oliver and Kara stood at the door of the Training room of the DEO with both their arms crossed. Mia looked at the both of them, clearly annoyed.

- C'mon! Sara brought me here to have the chance to train with the best heroes, when I will actually have the chance to?

- Soon. – Oliver said.

- As much as we love to have our daughter here with us – Kara walked towards Mia and touched her face – We need to make sure you get hold of your powers and abilities. When my powers started to manifest, it was really hard for me. And we're still not sure if you have them all or just your father skills with bows and arrows.

- Talking about your past, will you guys finally tell us? – William said as he approached them.

- Tell you what? – Oliver asked, confused.

- About the League... You know... In the future, you guys are legendary! And even if Mia helped a bit when Crisis came along, thank God for that otherwise dad wouldn't be here, but I didn't. I want to know everyone!

- That's fair. – Mia said and smiled at the both of them. – I want to be part of the team someday, so it would be nice to know more.

Kara and Oliver looked at each other and Kara nodded with her head.

- Before we can properly introduce you two to the other heroes or you can start working with us, even if it's on the future... Yes, we can tell you a few things about it.

William and Mia smiled at each other and sat on an old couch in the corner of the training room. Oliver and Kara sat on chairs in front of them.

- Tell us about the battle of Freeland. That's on the Flash Museum. – William said, his eyes full with excitement.

- Oh... That's when we helped Black Lightning for the first time... - Kara smiled, remembering that day.


Anyssa walked inside Star Labs and looked relieved when she saw her sister and her dad alive and well.

- Ok, this has gone too far. – She said, looking angry at the both of them.

- I'm sorry, but we heard Odell was hiding in Gotham. I needed to go after him.

- And I needed to stop your sister from killing him! – Jefferson said.

- And you two almost got killed by his agents! Nice! – Anyssa looked at the others. – And they are...

- The heroes I told you about. We are a big team now. – Jefferson said – We help each other.

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