23. Crush

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Chapter Summary:

Prompt by Guest on : "What about one where Kara is the younger sister of Oliver's best friend?" – changed the sister to cousin. Green Arrow is best friends with Superman.


23. Crush

Kara Danvers was trying to find courage, her apartment was a real mess and it needed clean up. For sure she could do it in seconds, but she felt like a lazy day, and decided to do it later. She heard a knock on the door and walked towards it, to open.

- Hey Clark! – She smiled as she hugged her cousin – It's nice to see you.

- It's nice to see you too cousin! Ready to lose again?

- I'm so going to win and you know it! – She laughed.

- Hey, I was wondering...it would be ok if Oliver could come? He's visiting to help Lois and me with a problem in Metropolis...

Kara was caught out of guard and gave her cousin a weak smile.

- Sure...

- I know you don't like him... I was really hoping you guys would get along... I mean, he is really close to your friend, the one that runs...

- Barry

- Yes.

- Where did you get the idea that I don't like Oliver?

- I don't know... You act weird around him...

- I think you saw things that weren't there... I have nothing against him...

Kara said as she turned around and started cleaning the place at normal speed. She needed distraction right now.

She thought about what Clark said and how her actions might have caused the wrong impression. The truth was she rather everyone thought she didn't like him than finding out the truth.

Kara met Barry at her Earth, when he showed up by accident. He helped her against Livewire and Silver Banshee and she helped him get back home. She went to his Earth to help his team with an alien problem once but she barely talked with Oliver. She felt like he had something against her, later he apologized and they all hugged, but it was just that. The last time she visited, it was for Barry's wedding. She brought Clark as her plus one and everyone asked if they were dating, including Oliver. She told them he was her cousin and Barry and Cisco got really excited to meet him, but he ended up becoming friends with Oliver, for some reason. Thanks to that, and the fact that Clark felt guilty for missing most years of Kara's life, he become more present in her life and Oliver ended up showing up a lot and hanging out a lot.

She was always suspicious she felt something more than admiration for Oliver. Yes, she never showed but she did. The guy was just a human and he managed to take care of his city. They were talking once and he told Clark his story. It was harsh, dark, messy, scary... But somehow, it made Kara respect Oliver more. But yeah, now she was sure she felt something more. The day she realized it, was an awkward day.


There was a huge blackout in National City thanks to a few crazy aliens that decided to try to take over the world. Kara had invited Oliver and Clark to stay with her so they could help the city. They divided to conquer, as Oliver used to say, and took care of different things at once, it was their best strategy. Kara came home feeling tired and wanting nothing more than take a shower and go to bed. She opened the door of the bathroom only to find Oliver wrapping himself on a white towel, his hair still wet, also his torso. She stood there, looking at him and blushing.

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