3. Two times Oliver almost proposed and the one he did.

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Notes: Yes, twice in one day. I'm inspired ^^


Chapter Summary: Who would've guess that proposing to someone like Kara would be so damn hard? Oliver Queen knows it.


Oliver was in one quiet room of the DEO while Supergirl flew around the city, going after a few bad guys and some buildings on fire. He sat down and thought about the week he had while visiting his girlfriend on her Earth and never noticed Alex coming in, looking worried at him.

- Do you want to talk to me? – She said looking worried at his face.

- It's almost impossible to propose to your sister... - He looked at her with a funny face and defeat all over it.

Alex froze, covering her mouth with both her hands, in shock.

- WHAT? Did you propose to her?

- I tried to... Twice!

- Oh my God! – Alex wasn't able to contain her excitement, but then she looked at Oliver, confused about what he was talking about. – Wait. What do you mean tried to?

- I failed! Twice. I don't know what to do...

- Explain... From the beginning.

- Well...

Oliver walked around the room from one side to another. He had been dating Kara for a few months now, and he was so sure she was the one for him, he couldn't possibly think about himself with anyone else than her. He decided to propose to her, and wanted to do it in a really special way, because Kara was the most special woman he had ever met.

- It's cute that you want to make it special for my sister... - She said as she heard his explanations, smiling at him – But she has super powers, and is an alien. It's really not that easy to fool her. You try to surprise her on her birthday without her figuring it out.

- I tried... - He smiled remembering all the times he tried to surprise Kara, but she always ended up finding out.

- Yep! – Alex laughed, looking down. She looked back at Oliver, thoughtful – What exactly did you try, anyways?

- We were at this restaurant...


Oliver sat across Kara on the table, feeling really nervous and trying to disguise it. He looked to his side while she tried to decide what to eat and saw one of the waitresses giving him thumbs up. He looked to the table, breathing in and out, his nervousness almost taking over him. It was now or never.

Kara finally decided and the waiter smiled at them, taking the menu with him. Kara looked at Oliver and reached for his hand, squeezing it.

- This is a lovely place, Oliver. – She smiled sweetly at him. – It's nice to be in a new restaurant for once...

- Glad you like it. I noticed you needed fresh air after all that happened in National City.

- It was a hard battle. And you are right; I really needed it, so thank you. Sometimes I feel you spoil me – Kara gave him a small smirk.

- For you, anything. – He brought one of her hands to his lips, giving a small peck on its back.

The food came and they ate peacefully, talking about life in general and their hopes for their cities. The dessert arrived and Kara looked funny at Oliver.

- What?

- Nothing... I just hope you like it!

- You know what I love, that's why I trust you to pick my desserts. – She smiled at him, looking at the beautiful chocolate mousse in front of her. It smelled great.

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