50. Across the Universe

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NOTES: WE REACHED 50 STORIES!!! I'm really happy with this, and I have all of u to thank for: ur ideas, inspiration and support, it all helped me get here. And for that, I wanted to do something special to this chapter, so I really hope u like it.

Next one is the last part of the short story: We'refar away, but close enough.


Chapter Summary: A different take on the dream world of the Invasion episode, one dream that changes Oliver's life forever.


50. Across the Universe

It was a cold night and rained nonstop but still, he felt relief. The fight was far from over but his friends were finally back to normal.

Aliens. He still couldn't believe. He was dealing with aliens.

Meeting Barry Allen definitely changed his world. If anyone had told him where he would be five years later after coming home from the island, he would life at that person's face. And yet, he stood there, in the middle of the night, all wet from the rain after dealing with his friends having been brainwashed by aliens. And if this wasn't enough, they had an alien from another Earth fighting by their side and he still couldn't tell if they could really trust her. It was all really confusing.

Oliver was about to take a step forward to bring his friends back to Star Labs when something really weird and unexpected happened. A bright light came from the sky and suddenly he saw his friends being... Abducted.

Seriously? He thought.

He looked up, looking for whatever the source of that light was. It was a really huge ship, even bigger than the Wave Rider.

- SARA! – He yelled after his friend was taken.

This was a nightmare. He looked at Barry, that noticed what was about to happen and tried to run to him. It was for nothing. He felt something pulling him up and a light surrounding him. It was a strange feeling, being abducted and he couldn't tell exactly what was going on because everything went dark.

He opened his eyes feeling more confused than ever, looking around and trying to find out what was going on. His head hurt a lot, it felt like he had been drinking a lot. He found himself in a place he never had been before. It was really bright, and the place looked futuristic. He got up and realized he was in a bed. He heard footsteps and looked to his right, only to see a blonde teenager coming towards him, smiling in relief.

- I'm so glad you're ok! You scared us!

- What?... What happened?

- Dad found you, unconscious near Kandor... He brought you here and mom took care of you.

- Kandor? Where am I?

- In Argo City. Do you remember who I am?

- Hm... I...

- I'm Kara, silly! – She playfully slapped his shoulder. – Your jokes used to be funny, they're not anymore, just so you know it. We have been friends for years...

- Oh... Sure... - He decided to go with it since he had no other choice.

He also felt really weird. He looked at his hands, not quite believing what he was seeing. He looked in the mirror next to the bed and stared at it for a while, in shock.

- I'm... younger? How? – He whispered

- I know you love your reflection, but you're not that cute... - Kara teased him as she got closer to him. – I'm really glad you're ok. – She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the room, still smiling.

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