12. Red light

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Notes: Hi guys. Thanks for reading and commenting, it means a lot ;)

This chapter is a bit violent. Not anything drastic, but still.

Hope u guys like it!!!


Chapter Summary: Evil Kara under the influence of red kryptonite and Oliver gets on a mission together when Oliver has to go back to his old days and Kara helps him.


Kara floated high on the space, looking to planet Earth below her. Her heart ached, she felt miserable, way more than she ever felt before and there was nothing she could do to change that. She floated there, thoughtful about everything that just happened, and it broke her heart.

Her best friend, Lena Luthor, hated her. She found out Kara Danvers and Supergirl were the same person and felt betrayed, so much she cut all ties she had with Kara or Alex, and fired her from CatCo. She still remembered her harsh words.


- I guess I can finally understand my brother and his hatred for Superman. You aliens think you are above us; you don't actually trust us you just use us for whatever you need. While we believe we have real friends to count on, you lie behind our backs! I was never your friend, was I? I was just someone you could use, you could make a fool of, but you never really considered me as your friend. You fooled me Kara; you made me feel like a fool. I see what my mother sees now. I can't blame her for being the way she is. It's just a matter of time before you get sick of us and turn your back on humanity, how can I be sure it won't happen? How can I trust you, if you never really trusted me?"


Lena's words echoed through Kara's ears every day since that awful conversation happened.

And right after it, there was her battle with Reign. One more thing that made Kara feel awful and hurt like never before.

Reign killed her dear friend, James, which made Lena way more pissed, hurt and angry than she was before with Kara. She blamed her for not doing what was necessary to help James. Alex was also mad at her. Alex told her Reign wasn't going to have mercy on them and Kara believed she could still reach her. It was Sam for Rao's sake, their friend. Alex saw no hope for her, but Kara insisted she wasn't going to kill her. Alex begged her to, and Reign ended up killing James. Winn was so sad he vanished and no one could find him. Alex and J'onn joined forces and managed to take her down, after Alex almost got killed as well. Their fight was so awful, Kara couldn't take it and flew away and now she was in space, floating and thinking about all the awful things that happened.

She remembered how it was when she was under the red kryptonite influence. She did awful things, sure, but she never felt so free, so ok with herself. She felt way stronger now and more understanding of her powers, so she was sure she could handle it in a better way. She felt desperately in need for an escape. And them, she got an idea.

She flew back to her apartment in super speed and went directly to the drawer in her bedroom. She picked up a small box and opened it. There was it, a ring of red kryptonite someone left at her door once and she decided to hide it, just in case. She looked again at her drawer and picked up her extrapolator, smiling to herself as she put the ring on and opened a breach.

She needed some time off, some freedom. And she was going to get it!

Oliver hated those kinds of parties, but at least it was not in a boring place. Thea managed to reopen Verdant, but in another part of the city. She decided it was going to be a different nightclub, more sophisticated and Oliver gave her all his support. He had to be there as the city's Mayor, dealing with annoying people who wondered why he was supporting a nightclub again when the last time he tried, it failed big time. He went to the bar to get a drink, thinking it would help him clear his head. So much had happened lately, he felt angry all the time, feeling the need to punch someone, anyone, but having to hold back because he was the Mayor of the city and it would look bad. As the Green Arrow he was having a hard time doing it, because Cayden James was making his life a living hell, he felt like losing all the time he went after him, half his team were still disbanded, Diggle still felt his arm pinching and there was Felicity. They broke for a while after she said a big no to his proposal, but decided to stay and help the team because they were shorthanded. The vibe on the bunker was never so weird and it annoyed him her mean comments every time she got a chance to do it. He just decided to ignore it and keep living his life with his son. Thank God at least William understood more about what he did, and was more supportive. It was one less stress in his life.

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