4. Secret Weapon

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Chapter Summary: This is a prompt from ravenx1988: "I think it would be interesting to see a face off either of Black Siren vs Supergirl or Supergirl helping take down Cayden James."


3. Secret Weapon

Oliver, Diggle and Felicity looked at each other apprehensive. Curtis, Dinah and Renee had left the team a week ago and things were not easier for them. There was a team of Supervillains that succeeded in destroy a lot in the city. It wasn't going to take long for Cayden James to target them and try to end them directly once and for all.

- Let's hope she comes... - Felicity said as she looked around the Arrow bunker, not knowing what else to say.

- I still think it was too soon...

- Oliver, it wasn't! I told you, I feel guilty already for being the responsible for Cayden James on the loose terrifying the city, I had to do something... I called her!

- I just hope everything's ok on her Earth so she can help us... - Diggle said as he looked worried at Oliver.

Oliver looked at the wall, thoughtful. He wasn't so sure about this plan of them, but it might work. Supergirl herself told them if they needed any help, they could call her. Oliver liked to solve his problems by himself, but it was almost impossible for Diggle and him alone to go against Anatoly, his former Russian friend, the Vigilante, Black Siren, Cayden James... He heard Barry was arrested, accused of murder so his team had enough to deal with for now. He was sure Barry was innocent, and wanted nothing more than go to Central City to help, but he also had a lot on his plate now. Legends were traveling through time, there was no way he could ask them to be back and help him. Sara told him after the Nazi madness that her team had to deal with anachronisms and he think he understood what they were. So their last hope was her, the girl of steel. He thought she could have been dealing with problems on her Earth, and tried to convince Felicity they should take care of it somehow, but she insisted, so he decided to go along with it.

It did not take long for the familiar wormhole open in the middle of the bunker. Oliver looked at it; feeling nervous out of the sudden and he had no idea why he felt like that.

- Supergirl! It's so, so nice to see you! – Felicity told her as she hugged the blonde as soon as she stepped out of the breach.

- Hi Felicity! Hi guys!

Kara smiled briefly and looked worried at them all.

- You said there was an emergency...

- All of our greatest enemies decided to come together and form some sort of a big super villain team... - Felicity started but was interrupted by Oliver.

- I hate to be the one asking for help, because if we can't deal with stuff around our city, what kind of heroes are we? But things were never this ugly around here before, half the team left, it's just the three of us now...

- I'm in! Who are we up against? – Kara crossed her arms excitedly and took a few steps closer to Oliver.

Shock went through Oliver's face as he looked at Kara. She never even heard the whole thing; she accepted helping them right away. He felt touched by this. Kara was definitely a kind hearted ray of sunshine.

- Thank you, Kara – He smiled to her and Felicity looked at Diggle with a knowing look.

- I'm happy to help!

- Well... The group's leader is Cayden James, a skillful evil hacker that wants revenge on me for losing his son...

- What do you have to do with his son...?

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