64. Save Me

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NOTES: Hello everyone. I gave my readers 2 weeks for them to send me some prompts. The general idea was: one situation that you would like to see with any ship for any of my collections: The Emerald - Steel Collection, Scarlet Canary Collection or Elseworlds Collection. 

I gathered many great situations from all sites I post my stories: ff.net, ao3 and wattpad and I'll be posting updates more often now. That was the purpose of this: to write a scene or two scenes long enough but not as long as a short story, so I could write faster and update more while we're all quarantine.

Stay safe out there. And I hope you all like it

Once I'm done with the ideas I saved, I'll be taking more prompts. 

This one is Pre Crisis, slightly M rated



Chapter Summary: Situation prompt by WritersBlock039: Kara has to go away because of the anti alien movement / kryptonite in the air and Oliver offers to help her.


Things at the DEO were not good. Supergirl was deeply hurt in a mission, because alien haters got their hands on the device used in the Daxamite invasion, to make it spread kryptonite in the air. J'onn managed to grab Kara when she fell from the sky, unconscious, and rushed back to the DEO. Alex rushed to the medical area, trying anything she could to save her sister. She felt desperate. The whole world was infected, the air was poisonous to Kara and she could feel her sister was dying.

- We need to do more, this isn't helping! – Alex said as she helped the doctors.

- Len's suit won't be ready today, we can't wait. – J'onn walked from one side to the other. – Unless... - he stopped abruptly, having an idea.

- Unless what? – Alex asked, feeling terrified. Anything, any idea now would be more than welcome.

- Our friends at Earth 1... Maybe only this universe was affected. Kara can go there until we have that suit ready. Because it will take us a while to clean the kryptonite from the atmosphere.

- You mean... Send Kara away? – Alex nodded – This can work... Where's her extrapolator?

- I can grab it – J'onn said and flew to Kara's apartment, coming back only a few minutes later. – Here!

Back when Kara got the gift from Cisco, after the alien Invasion on Earth 1 that Kara helped with, she showed the extrapolator to Winn and he made some improvements so the communications would be a lot easier, besides opening breaches. J'onn pressed a button and surprisingly, it was Oliver Queen that picked it up.

- Is Barry Allen around? – J'onn asked – We need help, Supergirl is dying. We need to get her out of here.

Oliver didn't waste any time and opened a breach, jumping in to Earth 38. Alex, Brainy and the doctors were caught by surprise.

- Act now, explain later! We can't waste time! – Oliver said as he grabbed Kara and along with Alex and J'onn, went back to Earth 1.

Oliver placed Kara on a mattress in the Arrow bunker, the one he used to spend the night if he had to. Alex approached her and looked at Oliver.

- I asked Cisco for an extrapolator, just in case. I know Team Flash sometimes gets their hands full and since Kara did so much for us the last time, I thought it was only fair for us to be prepared in case she ever needed... She saved my life... And just as I predicted, Team Flash has their hands full.

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