48 We're far away, but close enough Part 1

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NOTES: Hi guys!!!

First of all, I'm sorry I took this long to update. I never like to talk about it, because it sucks, but I feel like I have to: For 4 years I have been suffering from something called TDJ (temporomandibular disfunction joint). Basically: the muscles of my face are hard as hell (I had surgery 4 years ago on both sides), it keeps me from hearing properly, sometimes it gets on the way of me properly eating and it hurts like hell. It gives me migraine, a lot of pain and sometimes I have to take medicine for this and it's so strong, I can't barely walk. All because of anxiety and bruxism (when u bite and clench your teeth while u sleep...that caused my never ending problem). I have been doing a few treatments, but sometimes it's hard. This past few weeks has been hell, I'm in pain everyday and it makes it really hard for me to sit down and write (thank God I work from home with video editing, or I would be really damned). In days like today, when things are a bit calmer, I manage to do things (work stuff, cosplay stuff, life stuff, writing...) So if I disappear and stay many days without an update, you know why. I don't like to make people feel like I abandoned my projects, and I intend to keep writing for a long time (it's just hard to do it often now). But I'm always checking your comments and saving ur suggestions, so keep them coming. It might take a while, but it will be done ^^

Now the rant is over, enjoy the chapter! - btw it might have 3 parts because I just had an idea lol


Chapter Summary: Red daughter gets caught on Kara's place and gets called to help our heroes. Things will get messy, fun and romantic at the same time.


Her heart was jumping from her chest when she flew inside the living room through the window. She wanted to learn more about that girl that was just like her, like a twin or something. She needed to know. She walked around her place, admiring her taste, the place felt like a palace to her, considering the hole she lived in. Even the air felt different, it was like she lived in a magical place.

- She lives like a princess in a palace... - She said looking at a few pictures of Kara with her friends and family.

She kept looking around and convincing herself Lex exaggerated when he told her this Kara Danvers was a danger for humanity. She found something that looked like a book in the table next to her and opened it. It was a diary. She started reading.

- She's not evil... - She put the diary back on the table and grabbed the glasses next to it. She looked at the mirror and tried it on.

She smiled as she saw her reflection. She couldn't help but feel something was off with Lex plans and if the vibe she got from Kara's apartment told her something about the kryptonian, it was that she was sweet and caring. She could tell by the pictures, the little notes on the fridge, the score probably about some game she played with her friends on a board. It was all in the details.

She was distracted by it and jumped in scare when a weird blue hole opened in the middle of the living room. She was ready to fight whatever that was, ready to throw a punch. Three man came from that thing, looking relieved to see her.

- Oh, Kara, thank God you're home... - The one that looked like a kid and had a red suit said.

She kept staring at them feeling a bit confused. She realized they knew Kara, and thought she was her, so she needed to try and play the part, at least Lex trained her for that.

- Yes, I am... - She said with a perfect American accent, keeping calm perfectly just like she was taught.

- Sorry for coming here so out of sudden, but... We need your help back on our Earth – The guy with long hair and funny glasses said.

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