49 - We're far away, but close enough Part 2

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NOTES: Hi guys. So, this is part 2 and I hope u like it.

A few messages: 

first of all, thanks for the get bettter wishes... I'm actually feeling a lot better, so I hope it stays that way... I'm still doing threatment and I hope this nightmare ends soon. 

Spawn Hades and Manuelcards (ff.net) had amazing ideas and I added it to my list of prompts, as I did with a few suggestions I got from wattpad and AO3 readers too. U are are the best, and I can't wait to write those awesome ideas.

Warning: there will be a Part 3 of this story, but it will be posted on the 51 chapter. Because next one is the 50th and I want to do something special for it, maybe an one shot, but it really needs to be special, so I'm thinking about some stuff and also taking suggestions ^^



Chapter Summary: Part 2 of We're far away, but close enough


Oliver heard Russian Kara story and couldn't help but feel for her. She had no memories from her childhood or younger ears, only from her arrival at the military base in Russia and how she was trained to be a weapon and all things she had to do to survive. He felt like he could relate to a few things she was telling him.

- I spent a year in Russia before coming home – Oliver told her – I think I know which base you are referring to. At least we have one here on this Earth, the same you described. And Kara... I can't help but feel this Lex guy is using you, by what you told me...

- It's funny but I have the same feeling...

- I mean, Kara is not evil, not the Supergirl I knew. She helped us so many times I lost count already. It's clear to me this guy wants to use you for your powers, you can't let him do it... And if it's ok, I want to help you, the same way you agreed helping us here...

Kara looked at him a bit unsure. All she thought she knew was clearly lies, she felt a bit lost. She hated that she was feeling used for bad things and that Lex made her believe she was doing the right thing. She felt stupid.

- I... - She looked at Oliver – I feel so embarrassed... Lex played me...I'm such an idiot!

- You're not an idiot! – Oliver walked closer to her – Hey, you're not... - He reached for her shoulders – People take advantage of us in our most vulnerable moments, evil people do it. The fact that you noticed it and wants to do the right thing now, says a lot...

- I want to! – She said – And I accept your help... But... Can we keep this in secret, please? At least for now...

- It's ok. I won't say a word.

- And we need a plan to deal with Lex.

- We will figure something out – Oliver smiled.

- I appreciate it. – She looked down, feeling worry take over her in a matter of seconds. – I can't go back for now... Not until we have a plan... I can't risk it.

- Well, the Queen Mansion was restored and there's a lot of space there, if you want a place to stay while we work on this...

Kara smiled, nodding with her head. She literally had to be away from Lex if she was going to bring him down and have Oliver helping her. She was glad he offered his place because she had no idea what to do.

Oliver and Kara went back to the cortex, meeting the others. Kara looked at everyone and her American accent came back as she spoke. She needed to do some damage control now since she scared everyone and almost got caught by the others.

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