31. Light at the end of the darkest day

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NOTES: You guys will notice this is a longer chapter than the previous ones. That is why I took longer to write it. Idk why but I felt like I was losing inspiration or something...It was all becoming rushed and it felt wrong. So I took some time off to take a breath and get it back, what I felt it was missing. I didn't want to make fics rushed. I started reading my own past fics, the longer ones and I finally found out what was wrong. I will try to not take so long to post it, but I can't do it in a rushed way anymore. 

Hope u guys like this one ^^


Chapter Summary: Prompt by WritersBlock039: "An AU end to Arrow Season 4. After Laurel's death, Oliver is willing to do whatever it takes to bring Darhk down. Team Flash and the Legends come to help, and Barry recommends a friend of his that Darhk will never see coming. Kara gets introduced to Earth-1 earlier, and while she and Oliver meet under much worse terms, they get along much better . . . maybe TOO much better." – I added Clark to help thanks to Stephen's latest interview about wanting Oliver to meet Clark hahaha


Dinah Laurel Lance.

That name in a grave.

Oliver kneeled before it, not actually believing he just buried his beloved friend, team mate, one of the most important person in his life. The level of pain he felt was endless, it was like a deep dark hole on his chest.

- I'm so sorry... - He said as he looked at the ground. – I could have done better, protected you...

Barry Allen stood by his side, looking at him with sadness. He knew the sensation of losing a loved one pretty well. And he wished he could have the power to take away the pain in Oliver, but he knew it was impossible.

- It was not your fault, Oliver! – Sara said as she approached them. – It was that bastard's! – She looked at Barry – Thanks for calling me.

- You're welcome... - Barry whispered, with both his hands on his pockets.

- I'm sorry I didn't call you, my head it's...

- I know... - Sara said as Oliver got up and gave her a tight hug

- I feel like it was my fault, I put her through this...

- Oliver... - She let Oliver go and looked deep into his eyes - There is nothing that you could have done that would stop my sister from helping you.

- It's everything ok with you? – He asked, looking worried at her.

- Kind of... I'm just... It's just too much...

- What happened? – Barry took a few steps closer.

- We just lost a team member too...

- Who? – Oliver looked worried.

- Snart.

Barry looked shocked to Sara. He was not expecting this news anytime soon. He always knew Snart was a badass, it was weird hearing he died.

- He died a hero... Saved us all.

- How? – Barry asked, coming a bit closer.

- We were trying to stop Vandal Savage from destroying the world...

- Savage wasn't dead? – Oliver looked even more confused to Sara.

- Malcolm resurrected him...

- Of course!

- Snart became a better person... Someone I could relate with and...... - She wiped a tear from her face - I don't want to talk about it, but the thing is... I found out Rip Hunter knew Laurel was going to die right after Barry called and punched the hell out of him. He tried to keep me in the ship, but I had to come... They were scared I was going to try to go back and save her, so Ray convinced him to let me come. I just... I want to kill him, Oliver. The bastard who did this!

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