56. Lian Yu

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NOTES: Hi guys!!! Here's story 56, as I told you I would post it before the one with the ideas u guys gave me. I'm mapping that one out and I'm gonna work on that chapter today, I hope I can post 'til friday.

BTW: I'm loving this Arrowverse post Crisis with all connected, how about y'all??? I was thinking, so everyone won't fell lost when they read my stories, I'm gonna label them as "before crisis" and "post crisis", because sometimes I'll work with things as they were, and mostly as they are now.

This part here is before Crisis, around seasons 3 of SG and 5 of Arrow.



Chapter Summary: Prompt by WritersBlock039: Here's a second. The Daxamite invasion has just finished when Kara gets a message on her extrapolator from Cisco about Oliver going to confront Chase on Lian Yu. Barry is gone, Team Flash needs to protect Central City, and no one has heard from the Legends. Kara decides to help Oliver, but Alex is celebrating her engagement to Maggie, and James and Winn won't be much help. That leaves two others who are more than willing to go with her: Clark Kent and J'onn J'onzz. A take on 5x23 "Lian Yu" where the Girl of Steel, the Man of Steel, and the Last Son of Mars arrive and don't just rip Chase's plans to pieces - they burn them to ashes - and maybe some romances are kindled as well: Oliver and Kara, and perhaps Clark with either Thea or Black Siren.


Kara Danvers looked at the National City sky from the DEO's balcony while thinking about everything that happened in the past few weeks. She had to send Mon El away for his safety, she felt lost and sad but her friends and her sister helped her to come back from the darkness. She was experiencing life from a new perspective now. Alex was happily preparing to marry Maggie, the girl of her dreams and Kara was excited about helping her. It kept her busy, working on something great and her mind away from dark thoughts. She smiled to herself, thinking about her sister and how she was finally happy after such a long time. She was also glad for her friends, new and old ones, she had no idea what she would do without them.

- Kara?

She heard Alex's voice and turned around. Alex had a worried look on her face and Kara rushed to her direction.

- What happened?

- We just got a message... You need to see it.

- Ok.


Oliver couldn't believe that nightmare was really happening. Chase had William somewhere in that hell of an island he hated so much. A lot of people that shouldn't be there, was trying to help him as well, like his team, William's mom, his sister Thea. He couldn't stop thinking about what he would do if something happened to any of them.

They all had been separated and he had no idea what the hell was happening. He was looking for William when Talia showed up to attack him and they fought each other.

- You shouldn't have killed my father, Oliver! – She said while using her sword to try to stab Oliver in the stomach, but he deflected it, punching her jaw.

- I had no choice and you know it. It was him or the city. I chose my city!

- Wrong choice!

Talia turned around and was about to stab Oliver in the chest when a red and blue blur came in fast than a speeding bullet.

- You need to calm down! – Kara's voice echoed as Talia's sword broke in half when it hit Kara in the chest.

- What?...

Kara used her super breath and blew Talia across the room, making her back hit the wall and she fell to the ground. She tried to get up and Oliver approached her, still surprised with Kara's presence there.

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