53. Kryptonite

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Hi guys! I'm back with prompts and collections. Still have a small list of prompts to work with, but send them anyways, I'll select the ones I can work with and with time, you'll be able to read it ^^

BTW: WHAT A CROSSOVER HUH? Can't wait for January ^^



The tension filled the air inside the DEO while no one could take their eyes from the monitors of the main room. Supergirl suffered like a never ending fall but Martian Manhunter managed to grab her just in time. Alex felt tension covering her entire body and then she left a breath of relief out.

- Something happened... - Alex heard J'onn in comms – I'll bring her to the DEO.

- Ok!

Alex ran towards her office and grabbed something that was in her drawer. She would have to warn him this time.

J'onn brought Kara in and all doctors prepared the med bay.

- Prepare those Solar panels! – Alex said as she entered, with a worried look in her face. – Maybe this will help!

- I'm afraid it won't be enough! – Brainy said as he approached Kara while they put an oxygen mask on her and prepared the panels. – The entire atmosphere is filled with kryptonite.

- And how did it happen? – Alex asked, rushing to help the doctors

- With the daxamite device – Brainy said – But only a DEO agent could know... Oh wait!

Brainy looked from J'onn to Alex knowing they understood him.

- Jensen! – Alex said, feeling the anger trying to take over her. She had to focus on her sister and worry about that traitor later.

Alex heard some yelling outside the med bay and knew exactly what was happening. She was kind of expecting something like that.

- Brainy, please, there's a suit on container 93 with a especial suit, it might help Kara until we clean the air...

- Ok, gotcha! – Brainy said running away for the suit.

- J'onn, please...

- You can go, Alex. I'll keep an eye on her – The Martian nodded and Alex left.

Alex closed the door behind her and walked towards the balcony of the DEO just to see Oliver Queen, all suited up, ready to punch a few of her agents.

- It's ok, he's a friend – Alex told them.

- I thought they were used with me by now...

- I'm sorry, a lot is going on right now...

- Where's she? – He looked worried at her.

- She's getting all the help she need... Come with me.

Alex brought Oliver to her office, telling him to sit in a chair as he walked in. Oliver just looked at her, not moving one single muscle.

- What happened?

- The air is filled with kryptonite. This was an attack against Supergirl...

- Who did this?

- We are trying to figure it out... All we know is one of our agents stole the device used to do this awful thing from us.

Oliver looked incredulous at Alex.

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