6. Work out

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Notes: Just to let u know something: Felicity in my fics are always nice, supportive and cool and I truly like her (I'm just not a supporter of Olicity right now, but I respect all fans). The thing is, in this fic it was impossible to make her like I usually do. Because of the idea of this short fic, it had to be like that. The same with Mon El (he is just mentioned here, but u know... Kara suffered because of him, so...)

And warning: this piece is rated M (subtle, but still..).



Chapter Summary: It's Iris and Barry's wedding. Nazis never invaded and they got to have their wedding and reception. After hearing that loud "NO" from Felicity, Oliver decided to break things up with her and stormed out the rehearsal dinner only to find Kara outside, trying to calm herself from realizing how screwed up her love life was. Oliver feels like punching something, Kara feels like punching something. This is what happens when they decide to punch something together.


5. Work out

- I WON'T MARRY YOU, Oliver!

Oliver stood there, looking at Felicity in shock. There was no other word to describe it, other than shock. Every single person at that rehearsal dinner looked at them and he thought he never felt so embarrassed and humiliated before like he was right now.

They had a complicated past, he knew it. She always had a problem understanding him, his actions, he was really aware of that. It took them being stuck in the bunker by Prometheus, months after they broke up, for her to finally understand him, get to see what it was like for him. And when she kissed him on the island, before its explosion a few months ago, he felt unsure about it, but let it go and they got back together. He thought about how they could have a future, they were on the same page and finally understanding each other. He wanted to move forward now and not be stuck in the same place forever. That's why he wanted to talk; he wanted to be sure if she really wanted a future with him, if she saw herself moving forward with him. If she loved him like she said she did, she wouldn't have a problem with that, right? Apparently he was wrong.

- I'm sorry – She told him as she walked to a corner of the Jitters, away from other people's looks – I'm sorry I yelled, but it's true.

- Can I least know why?

- I... - She took a deep breath and looked at him – The last time I got shot. I fear that something can happen this time around, and please don't think I don't love you. I do. But I won't marry you. I wouldn't marry anyone. I like things the way they are...

- Well, then I guess we have a problem. First of all, you talk like it was my fault it happened...

- I'm not saying that.

- You are connecting me proposing to you to an accident that made you lose the ability of walking, it sure feels like it!

Oliver looked down, thinking about it for a while. So that was the reason. He couldn't help but feel like she was blaming him somehow. If she truly loved him, it wouldn't matter; she would believe they could face anything together. He looked at Barry and Iris, thinking how he was a fool to believe Barry, believe he could have what his friend had. He knew Barry had been through a lot. To spend 6 months stuck in the speed force? Not knowing if he was going to come back, Iris not knowing it, and still, they manage a way to want to be together forever. He knew about everything they have been through last year. He wished he could have something as strong as his friend had, because he wasn't feeling his own relationship strong enough for a while now, that's for sure.

- I just really thought we could overcome it all, that our love was strong enough. I don't wanna be stuck in the same place forever, Felicity. I want to marry, not right now, but someday.

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