19. A little competition doesn't hurt... Or does it?

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NOTES: IMPORTANT: This is M rated. As usual: nothing explicit, but u know... But it also has humor.



Chapter Summary: Many situations where Kara and Oliver decides to see who drives each other crazy faster. A combination of humor and sassiness that no one knew they needed.


It was a beautiful and warm night in Start City. Oliver and Kara were having dinner at a fine restaurant downtown. It was a small place and by the looks of it, only exclusive people ate there. Given the fact that Oliver was the Mayor, they had the best seats with the best view.

They were dating for a while now; Kara visited sometimes, helped his team, and spent a few nights in his place. She bonded well with his son, William as well and he adored her. Recently, the kid was spending his vacation with his grandmother from his mother' side, giving some privacy to Oliver and Kara. It was nice having some of it since they were always dealing with some crisis, surrounded by people all the time or unable to see each other for some reason.

Next to their table, there was a couple who could barely keep their hands to themselves. They were on the highest floor of the restaurant, the tables were far away from each other, but the couple wasn't acting that discreet and from where Kara was sat, she could see them pretty well. She was starting to feel uncomfortable by the end of their dinner. Oliver looked at her with a curious look in his eyes as he finished his drink.

- It's everything ok?

- Yes.

- You are blushing... What happened?

- Two people almost eating each other in public and there's no way I can avoid looking at them because they are right in front of me. – She smiled at him.

- What?

- Behind you... At that table...

Oliver slightly turned his head to see what Kara was talking about. He was taken by surprise, but not that much actually. He turned back to Kara, noticing she was blushing even more.

- They can't keep their hands off of each other – Oliver murmured – It's normal...

- Humans are funny... - Kara laughed as she looked at Oliver, trying to avoid the couple - They can't control themselves, it's funny.

- Well, sometimes people can't hold back... Sometimes the passion from the moment is greater than anything else... You know that very well, babe. – Oliver gave her a teasing smirk and a knowing look.

- We are usually alone, Ollie... - She adjusted her fake glasses, taking another sip of her drink.

- Kryptonians are not like that? – Oliver looked amused at Kara. – Impossible!

- We can control ourselves... Under any circumstances!

- I doubt it!

- It's true!

- So you are telling me you never lost it?

- Never. I have an amazing control – She looked proudly at him as she took one more sip of her drink.

Oliver leaned in the table, his face closer to her and he gave her his trademark smile.

- That's because you were never teased by me before – He blinked at her as Kara almost choked with her drink.

She put the glass on the table and looked at him.

- Please! I am the girl of steel, remember? If I focus, if I really put some effort on it, you would be the one losing your mind in seconds! You wouldn't even know what hit you.

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