39. Everything - Part 3

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NOTES: I know I say this a lot recently...but SORRY for taking so long to update.

Long story short: big event coming, work with cosplay happening so I need to finish new outfits for it = life is crazy. It's taking me a lot of my free time, so this is why it's hard for me to update more often... I promise the crazyness will be less crazyness soon so I will be able to update more often as I used to do.

One more thing: Tom Welling is coming to Brazil this december, I'm going to the con he will be in, and I will take a pic with him, and I WILL freak out about this until then - apologizes in advance lol

No spoiler alert today because I need to organize the list I have, but soon I will post the new chapter of this collection, I'm choosing what to work with from the list ;) 



Clark stopped his hand inches from Lex jaw and just let him fall to the ground, flying away. Everyone looked at him leaving, still in shock. Kara and Thea looked at each other, feeling relief washing all over them. Oliver walked towards Lex and grabbed him by his collar.

- My punch won't kill you, so... - He closed his fists and punched Lex with all his strength.

Lex fell unconscious on the ground and Oliver shot one of his trick arrows that made wires tie Lex up.

- We need to bring him back to jail... - Caitlin said as she came closer.

- I don't think a regular prison can hold this guy... Can the DEO do something? – Barry asked.

- I'm not sure... I will have to ask J'onn – Kara said as she crossed her arms and bit her lower lip – I think it's best for me to find Clark...

- Can I try? – Thea said as she looked at Kara – I think I might know where he went...

- Sure... Go ahead – Kara looked worried - Something tells me he would want you to find him...

Thea ran as fast as she could. She had a feeling he would be in that park they kissed before. He said he liked going there to think. It was that or his fortress, but she was sure she would find him at the park. Kara looked at Oliver and Sara approached her, putting her hand on Kara's shoulder.

- We might have a solution... For your Lex problem... - She looked at Oliver that figured right away what she meant by that.

- DEO can just cover this up... But we can bring Lex to Argus.

- Argus? – Kara looked confused at Oliver.

- It's a maximum security prison, they have the worst meta humans there... It's impossible to break out from there – Barry said – I mean, I managed once in a mission we had, but I have super speed so... Does Lex have any power? – Barry scratched his head nervously, with the look both Sara and Oliver gave him.

- No. He just have a psychopath mind... That's dangerous enough – Kara said.

- Argus can hold him – Oliver affirmed.

- If you say so, I trust you – Kara said as she looked at Oliver, Sara and Barry – We need to go back to the DEO so we can plan a cover for this with J'onn and Alex...

- I can drop him at Argus if you want – Barry said and after Oliver nodded with his head, he lifted Lex with his hands.

Kara opened up a breach with her device and Barry warned he would be right back. He did as he told them and a few minutes later, he was back.

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