77. Smitten

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NOTES: Hi everyone. I'm back with a new short story, I hope u guys like it. 

I've started creating trailers for a few of my stories, the one for Where Are We Now is on my YT channel, so u guys can check it out there (just go to /@ABPFanVideos ). I'll work next for the Special Holidays story, and as soon as I'm done with it and upload it, I'll let u guys know (I'll probably update that story with a note for the trailer). Doing this is making me even more inspired to keep writing, and even if it is a hard work, it is fun (I've always loved to create fanvideos, so it's a win win ^^)

We have a lot of Kariver goodness in this story (as usual, nothing scary or explicit, so everyone (those who feels uncomfortable with heavy stories) can read it )


Chapter Summary: All the times Oliver Queen was smitten by Kara Zor El and the one time he had enough hiding it.


The moment Barry Allen showed up and started to talk about aliens invading Earth, was the moment his life was going to change forever, but he had no idea of it at that point and now, he was sure of it.

He stood up, talking to Kara and Barry as they were celebrating their last victory.

Kara Danvers.

She was a new friend, someone they met because of the last crisis, when Dominators decided to crash Central City and Barry came to ask for his help and the other heroes. He told them he knew someone who could help, an alien he met when he accidentally ended up on another Earth.

Multiple Earths was something crazy, and of course they were real. The moment he met Barry Allen, his world turned upside down and he had seen things he would never think it was possible until he saw Barry bringing Kara with him to meet them all and he saw her flying and shooting some sort of lasers with her eyes. That moment he internally lost it. He had no idea how to deal with it and he was conflicted because of his trust issues with everyone basically and mostly, because she was gorgeous, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. For the first time in days, he was seeing her in her civilian look and after talking to her about hardships and knowing she already saw him as a great leader that inspired others, he was sure, even more than before, he felt something different and that was the last thing he expected to happen.

But yeah, it happened, slowly and torturously.

- Do you guys feel a group hug? – Barry laughed and opened his arms.

Oliver shook his head but as usual, Barry ignored him. He took a look at Kara and saw her laughing and also opening her arms and he couldn't say no to that, so he just welcomed them in his arms, and hugged them. As they let go and Kara turned to talk to Cisco, Oliver just stared at her, completely lost. It was like he forgot how to function. He noticed Barry staring and just shook his head.

- Don't even start it... - He said and Barry laughed

- What? I'm not saying anything... - Barry had a smirk on his face Oliver knew way too well.

- But you thought!

Oliver turned around, with Barry following him. He knew Barry wasn't going to leave him alone anymore.

- What? – Oliver asked

- Nothing... - Barry looked suspiciously innocent – Ok, I'm just glad you guys are good...you guys are good, right? I mean...

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