8. The Interview

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Chapter Summary: Kara is from the same Earth Oliver is, she just started as Supergirl and the Green Arrow is intrigued weather Supergirl is dangerous or not. He broadcast a message, asking for her to meet him and she shows up at the rooftop of abuilding. He interviews her and in return she also asks him some questions.


The world watched as an unknown girl saved a plane from crashing. She came out of the river, standing on one of the wings of the plane as everyone filmed, took pictures. It was a miracle. It was incredible.

The news said she was named Supergirl by Cat Grant from CatCo Media, the same woman that confirmed two days after, that Supergirl was Superman's cousin. No one could stop talking about it for days now.

The city hall of Star City was never as crowded as it was now. Oliver took a deep breath, preparing for another long day. He hated press conferences, hated the buzz every time something extraordinary happened. First it was with the Flash, but he knew Barry, he could ease people on if he was a friend or a foe. Now, it was Supergirl's appearance, but with her, he knew nothing. He was just in the dark as anybody else.

- Mr. Mayor: First the Flash, now her... Do you think Green Arrow will be forgotten soon? I mean, he is just a vigilante...

- Listen... - Oliver took another deep breath. He totally saw this coming – Green Arrow has been dealing with criminals in this city for the past 3 years, and she probably do a great work in National City, but here things are different. I don't know him, but I don't think vigilantes care too much if they are forgotten or not, they worry about the safety of the people and cleaning the city and for that I'm thankful!

- Do you think this Supergirl poses a threat with everything she can do? Or might become one in the future? We all know a few metas that turned evil...

- I'm sorry but there's no way to tell. We don't know anything about her.

- Would you like to meet her? – A journalist asked and Oliver stared at her, thoughtful.

- Sure, why not? She's been in Star City a few times; it would be nice.

Oliver tried to be as vague as he could, but truth be told he was curious himself. First, he really wanted to know more about Supergirl, make sure she was really a good person. He had his share of people looking like friends and becoming enemies, so he had to check on everyone and she was no different. He suddenly had an idea and looked directly at the cameras in front of him.

- I would love to meet Supergirl face to face. We all know now she is Superman's cousin, but I would love to chat with her, if she is willing to. Queen Consolidated it's always open for her. So, Supergirl, if you're watching just feel free to visit for a chat. I already met Green Arrow; I would love to see what's so different about her, besides her powers.

The night came in National City with a nice breeze. Kara Danvers was with a bowl of cereal and milk on her hands, watching TV while she ate. Her sister Alex was sat beside her in the couch, looking at her with a questioning look.

- Will you? – Alex asked – Meet him?

- Why on Earth I would do that? He is a politician! And defends that vigilante...

- Well, Green Arrow protects his city as I've heard. He is a bit too violent, but he gets the job done...

- Alex...

- You know I'm right!

- You only say that because you love beating the crap out of criminals who doesn't cooperate.

- They ask for it; I can't help it. And all the times it happened, it was your life on the line, I wouldn't risk it!

Kara exhaled and looked back at the TV. She knew a few things about Oliver Queen and wasn't sure if she liked him or not. It was sad what happened to him, for sure. He spent 5 years away, apparently on an island and Rao knows what happened there. She knew he used to be a playboy and that now he was totally different. She remembered the day she saw on the news he was back. She was happy for his family, because no one deserves this kind of suffering. And ever since, tragedy after tragedy happened in that city. Kara tried to help a few times, recently as Supergirl, but it was such a dark place. Kara always felt many chills, every time she was there. She couldn't help but be curious, she had a few suspicions about him and a few questions and it turned out he wanted to meet her? Perfect. If he wanted to meet her, he would have to answer a few things. She smiled at Alex and put her bow away, using her super speed to change her clothes, becoming Supergirl.

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