20. The Proposal

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Chapter Summary: The story about how Oliver Queen proposed to Kara Danvers


Kara woke up in the morning with no intention of getting out of her bed. She thought things would get easier but day after day, it was a nightmare. Her heart broke every time she thought about him, about how much she missed him. All her friends tried to cheer her up, her sister... Nothing could ease her pain, nothing could help her. She only could feel miserable all the time. She still saved the day, still went to work, but all she could feel was like a robot, going out, doing what she needed to do, and coming back to bed.

3 and half months passed and still no news from him.

What happened? What made him never visit again, or send some news?

She wanted to think things were pretty hard on his Earth, that something big was stopping him from showing up because she had a big problem with Reign and couldn't just visit him, not for a single second. Things got worse and worse before she could defeat her, and since Oliver was also a hero in his Earth and things were darker and heavier on his Earth, he could probably be going through similar stuff. She just hoped he was ok.

Because also the worse could have happened, but if this was the case, she would know by now.

Alex came once again, trying to cheer her up with no success. She was really worried about Kara.

- You need to go out of the apartment. – Alex came into her bedroom, pulling the covers and trying to make Kara get out of bed.

- I don't want to – She said stopping Alex and covering her head up.

- Kara!

- I'm not in the mood, Alex. It's Saturday. I want to stay in bed.

- This is not healthy!

- I'm worried. – Kara sat on her bed and looked at Alex. – I can't focus when I'm worried... And I am! I can't help but wonder what happened. If he is ok...

- I'm sure he is with his team dealing with something crazy.

- They should come for help if it was that ugly...

- We just defeated Reign Kara, it was literally yesterday. We wouldn't be able to help.

- But now we can! I'm waiting until tonight, if I have no news from him; I'm going to his Earth.

- Then I am coming with you!

- There's no need, Alex.

- If this is a dangerous situation, yes, there is. I know you are invincible and all, but one more pair of hands wouldn't hurt.

Kara gave up arguing and got up, going to the kitchen. She needed something to eat or she would stay on bed the whole day.

She ate her breakfast with Alex as they talked about Earth 1 teams when a breach opened in the middle of her living room and she got up in a hurry.

- Hey Kara! – Barry said as he hugged her in a worried kind of way.

- Hey Barry! – She hugged him back – It's everything ok?

- Not that much... We need your help guys. I'm sorry; it looks like we are always abusing your kindness... But this time is a really serious thing.

- More than the Nazi invasion? – Alex looked at Barry not being able to think about anything worse than that.

- Yes.

Alex and Kara looked to each other and Kara nodded with her head. She looked at Barry and grabbed his hand.

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