45. Strangers when we met

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NOTES: Hi guys! Took a bit longer to write this one, but here we go... Hope u like it!

BTW: I'm saving a few of the ideas u all give me, I can't write every single one of them because I have 3 collections and I'm planning the next crossover, BUT, I appreciate all of them and do my best to write as much as I can. My list is huge, so stay tuned!

4 more stories and we reach 50! I want to do something special for this one, so bring on ideas. I wanna hear from YOU!

I'll be back with Elseworlds collection and Scarlet Canary collection soon.  


Chapter Summary: Prompt by EmilieGrme: Hello, I prefer the story where Kara and Oliver do not get along at first and end up falling in love with each other because it's more like what's going on in reality. 




The guy lying on the floor looked terrified at the green hooded figure in front of him. He have heard of the crazy vigilante that used to kill criminals around the city, but to face him was another story.

- I... I already told you, I don't know!


Oliver was losing his patience. He wasn't a fan of going all vicious against criminals, but he knew he had no other choice. They never talked if they didn't feel fear, real fear. Oliver grabbed one of his arrows and using his bow, pointed it at the guy.


- I...

Oliver let the arrow go, it was supposed to hit the guy's leg, but something stopped it from happening. Someone stopped it. He was trying to figure it out how the blonde woman managed to grab that arrow before it could hit the guy.

- Who the hell are you? – He said.

- I'm Supergirl! And you better keep those arrows to yourself!

- I was interrogating him.

- No, you were torturing him! This is not the right way...

- Don't you tell me what to do, you don't know me!

Oliver was about to pick up another arrow, but she moved fast, grabbing his bow.

- Don't you dare keep torturing him!

- Give the bow back or...

- Or what? Will you make me give it to you? – She laughed, finding that really funny – I really wanna see you try that...

Oliver tried to go for his bow but she deflected him with her super speed. He looked really mad at her. She offered his bow back and when he was about to grab it, she used her heat vision on the floor, next to his foot.

- Try to torture someone again and I'll stop you for good!

- Oh nice, a meta human... I better call The Flash...

- Oh, you know The Flash? And by the way, I'm not a meta... You must be the Green Arrow he told me about when visiting my Earth.

- Your... Earth? – Oliver asked, looking confused and then, rolling his eyes. – Of course you are...

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