17. World's Finest

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Chapter Summary: How it would be if instead of Super Flash crossover back in season 1, there was a Super Arrow one. Love at first sight does exist and this fic is living proof.


The Green Arrow patrolled Star City as he did every single night. Diggle was giving him back up while Felicity was on the bunker, helping them as she hacked security cameras and warned them if there was any danger. It was just the three of them, just like good old times. Oliver was focusing on their target as the person just vanished, appearing again behind Oliver. Diggle shoot him before he could do anything, but the guy was quick enough to deflect it.

- How is he... - Diggle said as he looked horrified at the guy vanishing and appearing again. He was feeling dizzy.

- No idea! This is Barry' specialty! – Oliver said as he aimed an arrow towards the mysterious guy, but it was useless...

- I think he is a breacher... - Felicity said as she tried to think about it.

- A what? – Diggle said feeling even more confused than before.

- The same as Cisco... He can open breaches and travel through them.

- Felicity, please call Barry...

- I already did that. He said he will come soon, he is dealing with a lunatic in Central City, and they are going after him as we speak. Then, he will come over.

Oliver thought about his lack of luck but accepted just fine. His friend had his own craziness to deal with, so he would have to improvise for now. The only problem was that the guy kept vanishing and appearing again, making it difficult for Oliver to actually hit him.

- You need to relax, greenie! – The guy said laughing as a maniac – And I have the perfect place for you... - He said as he vanished again, reappearing behind Oliver and pushing him towards a breach.

- HEY!

There was no time for Oliver to do anything. He heard Diggle and Felicity yelling his name on his comms as the thing just went off and he took it from his ear. He felt something weird like he was falling, then he literally dropped on the ground, trying to get up. He looked around just to see the middle of nowhere.

- Where the hell am I? – He wondered as he looked at his comms on his hands, useless now.

A strong wind came in his direction, making him fall again; he looked up at the sky and rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing what he thought he just saw.

A woman was flying high on the sky and really fast. She came in landing abruptly and rolled on the ground before stopping. Oliver walked towards her, feeling worried. He was still processing the fact that she could fly, but he was a gentleman. He needed to see if she was ok.

He approached her and noticed her blonde wavy hair all around her face. She opened her eyes and looked confused, one of her hands on her ear, it looked like she was having trouble hearing well. She had deep blue eyes, the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

She was really beautiful, he thought as he looked cautiously at her. She was dressed like a hero, but he had no idea who she was. It made him wonder where the hell that weirdo sent him.

- Are you ok? – He asked, looking worried at her.

- Yes... I guess... I... - She looked around feeling a bit confused. She had no idea who the hell that funny guy wearing a funny suit was, but she needed to go back to CatCo.

Kara prepared to take flight once more, but Oliver was fast enough to use one of his tricky arrows to shoot wires around her feet, trying to pull her back to the ground.

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