59. Moon River

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NOTES: I had to press pause on my work to do this btw... So danversqueen did it again on instagram. I just saw this edit there and HAD TO write somethins about it. I mean, LOOK at this pic. I'm so in love.

I hope you guys like it.

I'm randomly updating my collections: this one, Emerald-Steel Collection, Scarlet-Canary collection (Barry and Sara shipping) and the Elseworlds collection (multi shipping, different stories), so stay tunned if you enjoy any of them or all of them. 

And keep sending me your prompts. I keep those I see I can work with and do something, I depend on inspiration so there's no specific order, but they'll be writeen eventually.



Chapter Summary: It's Barry and Iris rehearsal dinner. A nice and fun among friends ends up being something that will change Oliver Queen's life forever.


Jitters was really crowded that special night, full of super heroes and friends, celebrating the love of Barry Allen and Iris West. Oliver looked around, happy to see so many people smiling, having a good time, just chilling. Half of them always met when the world was about to end and it was nice to have a change of scenario, at least for once. Alex, Kara's sister he just met was happily drinking with Sara at the bar, while others were spread around chatting, eating and drinking.

This was fun, he thought.

He wasn't feeling in the mood of socializing lately, thanks to Felicity breaking up with him a few days prior to the party because she let it clear that she didn't want to marry him. After a lot of arguing, he just walked out and felt miserable since then, so to be able to take some fresh air, see dear friends and drink, was a good thing for him. Felicity stopped by earlier and left soon, so he never even had the chance to talk to her. And it was better like that, he believed. Saving the city would be awkward at first, but they would manage it just like they did last time they broke up, he thought.

- Barry, this is really nice. – He said as Barry stood by his side, smiling widely

- I'm glad you're having fun, man... After all that happened...

- I'm ok, Barry. Tonight is about you and Iris – He smiled, having a sip of his drink

- Barry, who's playing at your wedding man? – Cisco said as he came closer to Oliver and Barry, along with Caitlin, Kara, Joe, Iris, Cecile, Stein and his wife and daughter.

- About that... I was actually... - Barry looked at Kara, but Cisco interrupted, really excited.

- Because I totally think you should sing at it.

- What? – Oliver looked confused from Cisco to Barry.

- My friend can sing, man. – Cisco patted Barry on the back

- I think you drank too much, Cisco... - Barry blushed – Besides, there's someone here that can sing a lot better than me and you know it.

- Who? – Mick asked, drinking his beer and feeling really happy for having free drinks and food.

- Kara! – Barry pointed at her, making her blush

Oliver looked even more curious at her. He had no idea what his friends were talking about, he was literally feeling really lost.

- What are you guys talking about? I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused... - Oliver said, making Cisco and Barry laugh.

- Oh, we forgot to mention the time Kara and I got trapped inside a musical? – Barry said, looking serious at Oliver – So many weird things happen all the time, I forget...

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