62. Family matters

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NOTES: Hi guys. It took me a while to write this one because I wanted to work on it properly, no rush at all. I finally made it, so I hope you all like it.

As you know it, this chapter is based on an edit that overgurl_46 (instagram) made to her friend's bday (svperqveen), about SuperArrow family. I asked you to give me ideas, and I tried to mix the ones that could work together. I give many thanks to: Karamelxttes, Titan, AmayaBlack and WritersBlock049 from all 3 sites I post stuff on (Wattpad, AO3 and FF.Net) 

Next, I'll update the Scarlet-Canary collection (focused on Sara and Barry) and then I'll try to update the Elseworlds collection, so stay tunned. 



Flowers everywhere.

Red carpet on the floor, a bunch of people, loved ones around them.

His best friends standing next to him, Barry and Diggle. Across him, there was Alex Danvers and Sara Lance.

Everything was perfect. Well, almost perfect but it would be a 100% in a few moments.

While a few guests still settled around the huge church, he decided to check the musicians once again and turned around just to bump into a young blonde woman. She seemed nervous as she looked at him.

- Do you want anything... Sir?

Oliver nodded with his head. He was too nervous to drink anything right now, but didn't want people to notice it. That girl seemed so familiar, he thought as he looked properly at her.

- I'm sorry, do we know each other?

- No – She said quickly, lowering her face a bit. – Not at all, I'm just a waitress... Congratulations for your wedding, by the way.

- Thank you... - Oliver looked at her, still thinking he knew her from somewhere.

- Can I just tell you something?

- Sure...

- Hold on to the truth, no matter what.

She smiled and turned away. Oliver kept staring at her, feeling confused. What did she mean with that? He wondered. While he was lost in his confusion, the song started and Oliver stared at the door.

Now everything was perfect.

She walked the aisle slowly, smiling and clearly looked emotional, with J'onn by her side, walking her towards him.

- You take care of her! – J'onn said as Kara let go of his arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

- I will. I promise – He said as he looked at Kara.

She wore a beautiful simply dress, her her half up and hald losen in beautiful curls and a white veil falling over it.

They decided to have a traditional earthly wedding and after it, they would have a kryptonian ceremony, to honor Kara's heritage. A priest said a few words until it was time for them to say their vows. At the corner of the church, the blonde girl observed it all.

- I'm so happy to be here today among friends and loved ones, to celebrate our love. – Kara said as she stared deeply into Oliver's eyes. – And I think we need to thank our friends Sara and Barry for that, it's all their fault – She teased, making Oliver laugh.


Kara got a message from Barry, telling her they were going to hang out and go to the movies since they only saw each other when the world was ending. Kara loved the idea and told him she was going. He asked her to meet them in front of the theater in Star City and Kara confirmed it.

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