22. Invasion

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Chapter Summary: Prompt by WritersBlock039: "What if during "Invasion!" Kara was Oliver's fiancée in his perfect life? And what would he do when he escaped?"


Step by step, fast movement, and sweat dripping from his forehead. His breath became erratic. He has been doing it for hours, he was beginning to get tired, but he had to finish it.

Among the trees and all that bushes, he kept going on until he finally reached the mansion.

His heart was beating fast and his hands were all sweaty. He felt nervous. He was supposed to be used by it already, but he still felt like it was the first time ever.

He took a few deep breaths and entered the place. Once he reached his final destination, that room, he opened the door and came in.

He took his sweatshirt and dropped on the ground, following to the next room. He opened the door as he heard the water coming down. He smiled.

There she was, he though, in all her glory, apparently finishing her shower. He walked slowly towards her, leaving his pants behind as well and opened the curtains, stepping inside the tube, where she stood.

- Hey gorgeous – He smiled, smelling the scent of her neck as he hugged her from behind.

- Are you done running?

- Yes.

- Now you can relax with me then – She smiled back at him, turning around and looking at him while she smiled.

- Kara Danvers, will you marry me?

He smiled looking at her with his heart going crazy inside him. Every time he stood like this with her, it felt like the first time ever. He always felt anxious and nervous.

- I believe I already answered this question – She looked knowingly at him as she lifted her hand up, showing him that beautiful ring he bought her a few weeks ago.

She looked at him with the most loving eyes ever, and brought her lips closer to his, kissing him full with passion. She felt like the luckiest girl on the planet. Oliver turned them around, pressing her back on the cold wall. She only felt the warmth of his body against hers as they kissed.

- I can't wait for tomorrow... - He whispered to her ear as they teased each other.

- Neither can I – She whispered back to him, caressing his neck.

Ever since they met, Oliver knew they were destined to be together. She saved him from an accident and he found out she was Supergirl, thanks to his detective abilities. She was always saving the world, and she saved him from himself in his darkest moment. He was forever grateful to have someone that special and brilliant in his life and he remembered the greatest memory he had of her, was the moment she said yes to him. Every time they got together like this, it was like the first time, the rush of feelings, the heartbeat faster as a speeding bullet, the thrill... It never got old. He loved every inch of her, everything about her and couldn't imagine his life without her. It was funny because he couldn't help but feeling that all of it was all exciting and new. Like his life had never made sense before her.

She had a soft but strong touch at the same time that always made him feel like floating, her sweet kisses could make him dizzy all the time, and her puppy eyes she gave him every time she wanted something from him, it always made it hard to say no to her. That is why, right now in this moment, he was on his knees, in front of her, making her feel like seeing stars.

- Ollie... I love you – She smiled to herself as she came back from her high, bringing Oliver's face closer to hers, kissing him one more time.

- I love you too – He smiled between the kisses as he held one of her legs, bringing himself home, earning a few scratches from her.

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