Chapter 2

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Third POV

Percy made it to the edge of town by jumping across the rooftops. It didn't take him long thanks to his enhanced speed. He landed at the location he was supposed to be meeting this girl and looked around. After finding nothing he sat down against an abandoned building. He took out his phone and started playing a random game until the girl popped.

Ten to twenty minutes later Percy heard a motorcycle approaching so he looked up. The bike stopped in front of him and the rider pulled off their helmet. It was a female with short black hair, a scar running across the bridge of her nose and mix match eyes. One being a brownish red and the other being more of a aqua blue. She wore a black, button up school shirt that was obviously to small for her, a pair of black short shorts that was covered by a skirt of ammunition, knees high boots and armored gloves. With on look at her Percy could tell why Morrison said she had a gun fetish.

She had guns strapped to her thighs, the small of her back, her underarms and a giant rocket launcher strapped to her back. The girl looked around before spotting him.

"Hey kid, you seen a guy around her? Probably looks weird. Tall, muscular maybe?" She asked. "You mean Percy Jackson, the demon slayer?" He asked standing up. "Yup. You know him?" She asked. "Well, didn't think I looked that weird. I'm told I'm quite handsome." Percy said giving a smile. "What?" The demigod smiled. "I'm Percy Jackson. Nice to meet ya." He said holding out his hand. "No way." She said shaking her head. "Yep." The lady continued to shake her head. "Nope. There's no way you're this awesome demon hunter I've been hearing about." She said. "Oh come on. You're only what? Eighteen? You're barely legal and you can't believe I'm a demon slayer?" He asked with a smile.

"At least I'm barley legal. You got what? Four years before you can even be considered that." She laughed and Percy joined in. "Alright. Let's say you are this great demon slayer. You're half god half demon right?" Percy nodded. "Unfortunately I don't know how. My dad left when I was five and my mom died when I was eight. I don't know which one was the god and which was the demon. My powers don't tell me anything since it mainly consists of shadow manipulation and nothing else." Percy explained. "Huh. That's screwed up." Lady said. "Hey, you know my name, but I don't know yours." Percy said.

"I don't use my name. Bad memories." She said, her mood taking a complete 180. "Just call me whatever you want." She waved her hand dismissively. "Alright then Lady. How're we getting to Texas. Please no planes. I don't trust the sky. Don't know what it is, but I hate it." Percy said tossing a look of disdain upwards. "Hmm. Got the money for a train?" Percy nodded. "That's how we're getting there then. Hop on and let's go." Percy got on behind Lady and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Make sure your hands stay above the skirt please." She said and put on the helmet. "No promises babe." He said with a deeper voice. Lady blushed and revved her bikes engine before taking off.

Percy POV

Lady and I sat next to each other on a train that was going from Nebraska to Texas. Half of our trip had been fairly peaceful. Very few demons had attacked us and even then it was only in the beginning of their journey. Lady was a good change in company. Normally it's just Agnes, Morrison occasionally and the new girls Valentina and Daisy. Valentina was twenty-three, but was about my height give or take a few inches. She has a condition that made her her hair a light shade of blue and her eyes red. Valentina also loved being in charge. She was a feisty little thing that had a tendency to be a brat.

Daisy was the complete opposite of her sister. While she looked mostly the same, Daisy has short hair and green eyes. Daisy is extremely soft spoken and obedient. She doesn't like being in control, because she's indecisive and insecure about herself. Both are short, with Daisy being a bit taller. Never tell Val that though. She hates being shorter than her sister so she's taught herself to walk on her toes, even without heels. Both Tina and Daisy have smooth creamy skin and thin petite bodies. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that Valentina is a model and Daisy is a gamer who streams on Twitch occasionally.

Anyway, back to what I was saying Lady was a nice change of pace. I couldn't really talk about fighting or weapons with any of the other girls, but I could with Lady because she understood. The thrill of a good fight, the rush of battle. The satisfaction of killing a demon. Aside from that we had a few other things in common. Both of us had back stories, both of us liked being free and hate being restrained or told what to do. Unfortunately, something always has to screw up my life.

Lady and I were sitting in the food car talking about the best kind of guns when a waitress came up and gave them their food. Lady stared in shock at me and the waitress, but I slightly ignored it in favor of the odd feeling this girl was giving me. She didn't didn't give me a sense of danger, but she did seem like a threat.

"Hey, you notice that too? Are we not going to do anything?" Lady asked. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked. "Wha-are guy ok? You couldn't see that? She's a demon!" She exclaimed. "What? How the hell did you get that conclusion?" I asked. "Um. The flaming hair? The red eyes? The fangs, the donkey leg and the bronze leg?" Lady said like it was obvious. "I didn't see any of that." I said suspiciously. "You didn't? Was she using an illusion?" She asked. "Couldn't have been. If she was I would've seen through it and you would be in the dark." I answered. "Let's just wait and see what happens." I said and Lady agreed. We went back to our food, but didn't let our guard down.

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