Chapter 5

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Percy POV

I looked at the nude sleeping form of Lady and smirked. How I do it, I will never know. Not complaining though. I stood up and decided to take a shower. I went into the bathroom and my nose scrunched up. It might look clean, but this place smelled atrocious. I sighed and reminded myself that I've slept and bathed in worst conditions so I turned on the water and hopped in. I snapped my fingers and a demonic shadow version of myself appeared next to me.

"Go to the nearest store with towels an get me a big one and a small one." I said. The shadow held out its hand expectantly. "Oh come on. You're me." He gave me a disapproved face. "Fine! Cards in my pants pocket." He went in my pants took my card and left. "Damn morals." I mumbled and waited for him to return. No fucking way am I using anything in this bathroom other than the water. Now I realize forgot about soap and shampoo. Damnit.


After taking a shower I walked out and god dressed in a black short, matching pants, black boots, black fingerless gloves and a red and black long coat. I also made a necklace to slightly resemble Lady's and put it on. I walked out of the bathroom and saw that my 'partner' was still asleep. Gonna have to work on that  stamina. 'Might as well go out and see where this demonic activity is while she's resting.' I thought and left the motel. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that the closest motel was in Texas. Well, now ya know.


I've been walking around this town for an hour now and got nothing. No one knew anything. I swear if I have to go to a bar to find something I'm gonna be pissed. Stupid cliches coming into real life. I said as I walked into a random bar.

"Hey, no kids allowed." The bartender said. "Yea, yea I just have a question. Nothing more, nothing less." I said putting my hands up sarcastically. "I don't have an answer." He said. "I'm sure you don't, but I'd like to ask anyway. Have you noticed any demonic activity going on? Lots of people disappearing or ending up dead? Cults popping up? Hell, have ya seen any demons?" I asked. The man looked at me for a bit. I held his gaze with a dead stare. "I know someone who might have the answers your looking for." He said after a sigh.

"Who?" I asked. "Nell Goldstein. The .45 Caliber Virtuoso. She runs the little gun shop at the edge of town called .45 Caliber Art Works." I nodded. I swear I've heard that name before. I brushed it off and left the bar to go back to the motel. When I go there I saw that Lady was finally awake. "Where have you been?" She asked heatedly. "Sheesh, calm down. I was getting a lead on our job. I wouldn't leave you. Once I've fucked you, you're stuck with me. Even if your want to leave, you can't." I said with a smirk. "Please don't mention what we did. I need to come to terms with the fact that I just committed an act of pedophilia." She groaned making me laugh.

"Well hurry up. We got a gun shop to get to."


Lady and I found the shop at the edge of town and walked in. There was a radio in the back playing loud music. Guns stocked the shelves and there was even a few on the ceiling. Behind the counter was a girl that was probably around Lady's age. She had lightly tanned skin and long black hair that was pulled up into a ponytail with a plaited headband. She also has brown eyes behind thin rimmed pink glasses. She's wearing a white, cropped tank top under a sleeveless yellow jacket that kinda looked like a welding cape, blue Jean shorts and I couldn't really see her shoes. Cowboy boots I think. She was also covered in tattoos.

"Hey, are you Nell Goldstein?" Lady asked. The girl looked up and turned down her music. "What was that?" She asked. "Are you Nell Goldstein?" Lady repeated. "Oh, nah. That's my grandma. I'm Nico. I can help with whatever you want though." She said. "Do you know of any demonic activity going on?" I asked. "Uh, why?" I shrugged. "Gotta get paid somehow." I responded. "Sure then. It's happening a few miles out in the desert. There's like a portal opened up out there and bunch of those bastards have been coming by." I looked at the country sounded girl. "Really? I haven't seen any demons." I said.

"Yup. That's all cause of me. I took a bunch of landmines and made stronger and the explosion bigger!" She said excitedly. There's was a huge grin plastered on her face. "You can do that?" She nodded. "My grandma taught me all she knows." I walked over. "I'm guessing your grandma is Nell." A proud smile took the place of her excited grin. "Uh-huh. She's the best. She's sleeping right now." I nodded. "Well, we got what we needed. Thanks Nico." I said. "Hey wait! Can I come with?" I turned back. "Hmm, I don't know. Can ya fight?" She shook her head. "Nah, but I gotta van. Better than walking in that Texan heat. And I can supply weapons!" I looked at Lady and she looked at me.

"Let's go."

Tiny TimeSkip

It's official, I love this girl. She has an awesome van, she knows how to actually make and improve pretty much any weapons and she has good taste in music. Wonder if she'd come back to Redgrave? Probably be a good fuck too.

"No!" Lady called from the passenger seat. "What?" I asked looking at her. "I saw that look on you're face and I know what you're thinking. No." She said. "I wasn't thinking anything." I defended with a smirk. "What's happening?" Nico asked. "He wants to fuck you." Lady said. "Oh. I'm down." She shrugged. "He's fourteen!" Lady exclaimed. "I'm seventeen. We're both underaged." I'm liking this girl more and more. "Does no one think of the law?" Lady asked herself. "You didn't in that motel." I smirked. "Shut up!"

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