Chapter 8

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Third POV

Percy charged at the large demon with Alastor drawn. Lady stayed hidden, but her guns were ready. The demigod jumped over a tree branch and ran around a boulder. As he was charging the demon, Percy analyzed his enemy. He was completely made of rock and tree roots. There wasn't a lot of places he'd be vulnerable. Percy, however could see multiple places he could attack. So he went for the first accessible one. He ran right between Alcipeus legs. Once he was behind the giant Percy jumped and sliced the back of the demons knee.

Whatever he had severed worked since Alcipeus screamed in pain. Just like his subjects his scream sounded like he was gargling syrup, sap and rocks. While he was distracted Percy took the time to sever the second knee. Alcipeus fell with another roar. This time there was definitely anger in there. The demon slammed his fists into the ground, making it shake and causing three roots to sprout from the ground and chase him. Percy smirked at this and dodged around them. Using some of them as spring boards and cutting and slicing them into pieces.

"You can't use this as a defense forever." He yelled. "I don't need to." Alcipeus said and started lobbing giant rocks at him. "Heh, you made my job easier." Percy said and jumped up, using the boulders as literal stepping stones. Alcipeus had summoned minions to attack Percy while he was dodging, but Lady was picking them off with her guns. Of course when she was discovered she was attacked, but she managed to keep up. Percy had finally reached Alcipeus and jumped at him. He brought his sword back and stabbed it right into Al's eye. Percy sent a quick jolt of lightning into the beasts eye and jumped away.

The roots had stopped up moving around so much since Alcipeus was distracted so Percy had landed on one of them and simply waited. He rested Alastor on his shoulder. The demon moved his hand from his eye and Percy saw that he was bleeding an amber like substance.

"You... are not human. Are you?" Percy gasped mockingly. "Wow, you finally figured it out. Good Job. You get a gold star." He said. Alcipeus growled angrily. He swung his fist in a backhand, but Percy flipped over it. "Whew! That was close. Come on, didn't you want to see my strength?" Percy taunted. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but red paste!" Percy dodged another fist and a tree root. He ducked under a large rock and sliced through another. "Alright. I think it's time to end this. I got shit to do at home." He said and threw Alastor into the air. He then pulled out two silver pistols and fired every bullet in each clip. Once those were done he threw the guns and jumped at Alcipeus.

Alastor came down and Percy caught the sword in midair. Alcipeus could only watch as Percy landed on his face and stabbed the blade into his head, killing him. Percy twisted the blade for good measure before jumping away. Alcipeus died, his body falling apart and the lower level demons left dying as well. Lady sighed in relief. She had run out of ammo a few minutes prior and hid to use her hand to hand skills and the small blade on Kalina Ann. Percy looked up at the hell gate and raised his sword. Lightning rained down from the sky, hitting the blade and empowering it. With a downward slash the hell gate was obliterated and the forest started to fare away.

"About time. I thought I was gonna die." Percy waved Lady's concerns off. "You're a big strong girl. You were fine." He said. "Well, I'm tired and sweaty now. Doesn't Nico have a shower in her van?" Percy nodded. "Doubt she has any clothes." He said. "I can live with just a towel or something." Lady said as they made their way back.

Percy POV

Nico, Lady and Percy walked back into the shop only for Percy to catch a shoe that was heading towards Nico's head.

"Where the hell have you been?" An old woman snapped. "Oh, shit. Hey grandma. I was helping these two demon hunters out." Nico said gesturing to her two new friends. "Mhm, who are you two?" She asked leaning on the counter. "I'm Percy Jackson." I introduced. "Lady. I prefer not using my real name." Lady said. "Don't matter to me. So, you two demon hunters?" I nodded. "Yup." She huffed. "Why? What's you're purpose." I looked at Lady. "Revenge." She said. "Pays my bills. And I'm good at it." I answered. She looked me up an down for a bit.

"Hmmm, why's a kid as young as you paying bills. No parents?" I shook my head. "Nope. Been on my own since I was eight. Redgrave doesn't exactly have a government or law enforcement so I can do what I want. As long as I don't draw too much attention to Redgrave." I said. "No government? That sounds like trouble central." I shook my head. "People in Redgrave have actual common sense. There's rarely any crime. It's actually more boring than anything." Nell nodded. "Huh. I might move I'm down there then." She said. "We'd welcome you. Although it'll probably put me outta business." She laughed.

"I like that one." She pointed at me. "Heh, not for long." Lady mumbled. "Shut up." I mumbled back making her laugh. "So, you got a good set of guns?" She asked. "Nah. I just kinda use up any guns I got on me." I said. "Use up?" I nodded. "Where I get my guns, it's real hard to find ammo so I just by a shit ton of guns and use those." I shrugged. "Oh no. Gun wasting isn't allowed. I'm gonna have to make you a pair." I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, not exactly. Plus I gotta get home. Important business to take care of and what not." I said. "Doesn't matter. Come to the back, write down your address and I'll send'em to ya." She said not waiting for an answer. I shrugged and followed her into the gun range.


After about an hour of testing out different guns with Nell taking notes, flirting with Nico and a few other unimportant things Lady and I were finally on a train back to Redgrave City. Lady was asleep, but I was wide awake. A negative side affect of my incredible stamina. Even when nothing was going on I couldn't sleep. I could stay awake for days if I wanted to. Fighting, fucking hell just watching tv if that's what I chose to do. I looked out the window and blinked. What the hell? Was that a Lion with a scorpion tail? That seems like an odd mixture for a demon. Normally they're very consistent in their looks.

I sighed as sat back, deciding to worry about it at a later date. No point of thinking about it when I can't even get a full look at the thing. Although these new monster things that have popped up gives me a bad feeling.

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