Chapter 55

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Third POV

Percy was standing on what these people called a Bullhead. He leaned on the railing as he looked out the window. He had to admit, this place was beautiful. It had an advanced mixed with a medieval type of style. Percy approved of it.

"Hey, I recognize you!" Percy turned and saw the adorable little, caped girl. "Huh, yea. Ruby, right?" She nodded. "Yup, and you're. Uh, um. Pierre...?" Percy chuckled. "Percy, it's Percy." He corrected. "Oh, hehe. Sorry." She laughed nervously. "It's fine." He said with a dismissive wave. "Hey, Ruby! Oh, Ruby. Who's your friend?" A girl asked looking Percy up and down. Percy noticed that it was the same girl from last night, that was thrown threw a wall. "Percy Jackson, you are?" He asked. "Yang Xiao Long. Nice to meet you." They shook hands and Percy noticed that the girls lilac eyes flashed pink for a bit. 'Uh oh.'

"Pleased to meet you too." He smiled. "So, you're going to Beacon too?" Ruby asked. "Kinda. I got a special invite from Ozpin." He said. "Seriously?! I did too!" Ruby said excitedly. Percy chuckled. "You are adorable." He said. Ruby pouted and crossed her arms. "No I'm not." She whined. The three looked over when they heard a guy gagging and dry heaving. Percy raised and eyebrow. "Well, looks like the view isn't for everyone." Percy smirked. "Eww, Yang. It got on your short!" Ruby exclaimed in disgust. Yang looked down and started screaming and waving her foot around. Percy shook his head and laughed.

With Another Percy

Percy walked through the dirt paths of a town somewhere, weaving through the crowds of people and ignoring the odd looks he received. The people were clearly dressed in old style clothes and smelled like shit. Seriously, did these people bathe? Well, now that Percy thinks about it, they most likely didn't. He had to cut off his sense of smell and taste just to not hurt anyone. As he was walking he paused and looked back at the giant wall. It suddenly exploded, dust and debris flying everywhere. Percy raised am eyebrow and teleported from where he previously was and landed on the wall.

Staring directly at him, was a giant. Literally, a giant. It was tall enough to look over the fifty meter wall. Percy blinked and chuckled.

"Yous a big bitch." He said. The giant looked at him. "Nah, seriously though. You gotta die." He said and held up a finger. A laser shot from his fingertip and completely obliterated the head of the skinless thing.

Let's just imagine that Percy killed the invading titans. Took the shifting abilities of all Titan shifters, took Sasha and Hange and left. I'm sorry, but Attack on Titan is too depressing.

In Japan

Percy sat in front of Satsuki Kiryuin as she sipped on tea. The girl only wore a white dry towel and Percy looked bored out of his mind.

"Satsuki, why exactly did you call me here? I got better shit to do." Percy said. "I figured we could get to know each other. We are business partners." Percy blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Really, that's what you called me out here for?" He asked then sighed. "Alright. Fine. What do you want to know?"

In Red Grave

Percy stood on top of a building at the edge of Red Grave City. He lazily held a cigarette in his mouth and a glass full of black liquor and a black smoke coming off of it. Percy pulled a drag from his cig and blew out the smoke before taking a sip of his drink.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or are you going to say something?" Percy asked. A man, dressed in a black suit of armor with a cowl styled with bat like ears walked out of the shadows. "You killed Joker." The man said gruffly. "Uh, yea. No shit." Percy said and stood up. He turned and looked at Batman. "Now, why are you in my city?" Batman glared. "Im here to take you to jail." He said. "Can't. There's no law enforcement in Red Grave and when I killed Joker he was out of your jurisdiction." Percy said. "By law, you can't do shit. Also, why would you take me to jail? I killed one of the biggest crime heads in the fucking world." Percy said. "He was still a person and you unlawfully took his life." Percy shook his head.

"Mmm, maybe you're the problem. That 'man' has slaughtered thousands of people without fail. The blood of innocents crips from his hands like self loathing drips from you. There is no limit he will go to just to make himself laugh. Yet, here you are. Trying to take me to jail simply, because I made sure that innocent people wouldn't have to fear him anymore." Percy said. "Maybe I should kill you." He suggested. "I mean, let's be honest. You're no use to your city anymore. You couldn't even kill Joker. A guy that's slaughtered thousands every time he escaped Arkham, after you put him there. It's a never ending circle and it's disgusting." Percy said.

"Now get outta my city. I got better shit to do than talk to a giant man child playing dress up." Percy said as he started walking away. Unfortunately he was forced to dodge a bat shaped shuriken. He sighed and finished his drink and put out his cigarette. "Alright. Let's get this shit over with."


"God damnit Bruce! What the hell did you do now?" Dick Greyson yelled as he watched his adoptive father come into the Batcave. To put it simply, it looked like Superman dragged him through hell. The man simply hobbled over to the batcaomputer and fell over. Dick dragged him to the medical section and put him on the stretcher. "Who did this to you?"

Back in Beacon

Percy laid on the floor of the ballroom in Beacon Academy. Next to him was Ruby and Yang, who was snoring loudly. He sighed and cut off his hearing. Soon after he fell asleep.

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