Chapter 35

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Third POV

"What's this place?" A ginger lady with fair skin and green eyes asked from the back of a cab. "Don't know. Never heard of it." The driver said. She mentally read the sign that said 'Welcome to Red Grave City'. "Let me out here. Thank you." The driver stopped and stepped out with a large suit case. "Hmm." The lady walked into a bar and took a seat at the bar. After a few minutes the bartender came up and asked her what she wanted. "Just some wine. Also, may I ask a question." The man nodded. "Who would be able to me find some possible work? I'm used to the high end life, I'm new to Red Grave and I need a bit of help getting on my feet." The man chuckled.

"You're new? Oh man, you're in for quite the surprise then. Uh, as for who can help you go see Percy Jackson. He owns the Devil May Cry shop at 66 Slum Avenue. I can call ya a cab after your wine if you want." She nodded and thanked the man.


Things were going good for Percy and the crew. Forbidden Desires was booming and Agnes was making a large amount of money which means that Percy was making a lot of money even if he said he didn't want to take a cut of anything coming from the club. 7th Heaven was also doing well with the amounts of business fluctuating from day to day. Lastly, the Dandy Demon was doing great. So great in fact that Percy was able to renovate it so that it would be a bit bigger, but he decided to hold off on it. For now at least.

In other news Cindy, while not having anything to do yet was payed handsomely in her first check even though said check was just a wad of cash in an envelope. Mikaela and her father, Colin also had an increase in business sin Jackie called the Lost MC. Tifa, Aerith and Elizabeth were fine, but Violetta seemed to be a bit distracted lately. Tifa didn't want to pry, but at the same time it was affecting her work and that's a bit of a problem. That will be explored later though. Percy is currently helping Marianne. She now has her own office inside of Devil May Cry, under the stairs. Percy used his demonic powers to make her a small room under the stairs of his Devil May Cry building.

"Thanks a lot for helping me out." The medium said appreciatively. "Don't worry about it. So, how ya like your new office?" He asked. "It's beautiful." She said. It might've been a bit on the smaller side, but she had made the most of it. There was a nice little desk with a black chair behind it. On the other side were two other chairs, on the right wall was a bookshelf and to the left was a small therapeutic couch. "Nice. Welcome to the company. Would you like a drink to celebrate?" He asked. "Sure, I could go for a bit of wine or champagne." Percy nodded and grabbed a wine bottle. He sat down and poured him two glasses. The clinked their glasses and took a sip.

"So, tell me about yourself." Percy said. "Well, I had just found out about my past so luckily it's fresh in my head. When I was three a man who hated my father set my house on fire while my dad was away. My sister escaped, but I was still inside. She didn't like that so she made a deal with some monster to help me escape. For years I was raised by my foster father Jack. A few weeks after he died I was contacted by my real father Thomas. I made my way to a Niwa resort where I went through a real adventure. Solving mysteries, meeting ghosts and a whole bunch more. Eventually I met my older sister and was hit with a choice. Kill a monster by killing my sister or kill myself and let him live, but he'd be trapped in the spirit world. You can guess my choice."

"Damn. That had to be tough." Marianne nodded. "It was, but it was for the best. So, what about you? What was your life before all this." Percy chuckled. "It was hectic." He said. "Hey, I gave you details. I want some too." Marianne said and Percy nodded, going into details about his life. He didn't tell her every little thing, just enough so that she got it. "Woah, and you said my life was tough." She said. "I'm sorry all that happened to you." Percy simply shrugged. "Don't sweat it, I'm over everything. I got better stuff to focus on." Marianne nodded and the two continued drinking. Then someone knocked on the door.

"Sheesh, a lot of people knocking on my door lately." He said. "Come in!" The door opened and in walked a good looking ginger woman. Her hair cascaded down her shoulder in lush locks. She has bright emerald green eyes with freckles dotting her cheeks and nose. She wore a burgundy turtle neck, a black skirt that hugged her hips and thighs, black heels and a pair of sunglasses. "Hi, I'm looking for Percy Jackson." She said with a smooth, confident and alluring voice. "You're looking at him honey. How can I help ya?" Percy asked taking a sip of his wine.

"Sorry? That can't be possible. He's supposedly an entrepreneur and owns this building. Also, what is a child doing drinking wine?" Percy gave her a look then looked at Marianne who shrugged with a smile. "Uh, you must be new to Red Grave." Percy smiled. "I am. What gave it away?" She asked. "The fact that you didn't know who he was." Marianne answered. "Wait, so he's actually Percy Jackson? What kind of law system does this place have?" The two business partners laughed. "What's funny?" The woman asked. "The fact that you think we have a law system. The government abandoned us a long time ago honey. They even took us off the map. We just have common sense. No theft, no murder. No crime at all. Just peace and the occasional demon attack." Percy said.

"Demon attack?" Marianne gestured to the chair next to her. "Sit down. This is gonna be a long story." The two then explained everything about Red Grave. Once they were done the ginger woman sat there in shock. "No police? No crime? No heroes?" She asked to which they shook their heads. "Only hero here is Percy and even that's a stretch." Marianne said. "Hm, interesting. I might just like it here." The woman said with a smirk. "As long as you don't do anything illegal we won't have to kick you out. So, what did you need with me?" The demon slayer asked. "Well, I was wondering if you could help me out with a vision of mine. You see, back where I lived I owned a marvelous casino. Unfortunately, I went to jail for quite some time. Now I wish to open another one, but I don't have enough money to do so. Will you help?" She asked.

"I could. I hope you know that since I'll be paying for everything I'll be the main owner an you'll be the co-owner." The woman nodded. "Alright. What else? You don't seem like the type to just have a casino." The woman giggled. "You're right. Since it won't be considered illegal the casino will double as an underground fight ring." Percy nodded. "That's fine. However, no steroids, no murder, no hard drugs and no forcing people to participate. It has to be fair, willing and causality free." The woman nodded. "I can live with that." She said. "Good. It'll take a while since I'm busy with other things, but it shall be done. Let's shake on our deal." He smiled and held out a hand. The woman noticed the odd green glow, but paid no mind.

"Of course." She shook his hand and there was a rush of energy. She looked around confused, then came back to Percy's grinning face. "What was that?" She asked. "Insurance." He said simply. "For?" Percy chuckled. "You see, I'm half demon myself so I have a good amount of power. What I used was the power of the deal. If you break any of the rules that I set up I'll know and I'll be able to do with you what I please. Basically, if you fuck up your soul is mine." He said and the woman's eyes widened. "As I said, insurance. Now, would you like a drink?" He asked. She was quiet for a bit before smiling. "You're smart. I can respect that. I'll take a glass of wine." He nodded and poured her one.

"I look forward to doing business with you. I didn't catch your name." He said. "I look forward to our partnership as well and it's Veronica Sinclair, but just call me Roulette."

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