Chapter 39

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Third POV

Percy had taken Annabeth and Thalia to a fairly decent restaurant to get something to eat. Now they sat in a booth just making small talk.

"So, you said you got caught up in 'vagina'?" Thalia asked. "Yea. I was gonna come over as soon as I hung up, but Agnes kinda distracted me by bending over and telling me to spank her. So I did, then we ended up fucking and my gunsmith walked on us and I ended up fucking her too." The two girls looked at him in disbelief and disgust on Annabeth's part. "You're disgusting." The blonde sneered. "Thank you." Percy smiled. "Do you have no shame? Really?" She asked. "Not really no. My first time was with a prostituite when I was twelve so that's pretty much where all my shame went." He shrugged.

"A prostitute? Twelve?" Annabeth asked. "How the hell did you get to that point in your life." Thalia asked. Percy chuckled and told them his life story. "There ya go. That's me." The other two sat back in awe. "Holy shit." Thalia muttered. "Woah, no wonder you came out so screwed up." Annabeth said. "Ow. That hurt." Percy mocked. "You're still a horrible person." She said. "I won't dispute that." He said. "Alright, after this what did you wanna do?" Thalia shrugged. "Don't care. Anything is fine." Percy nodded. "Ok. In that case we're going bike shopping." He said. "Why would we need bikes?" Annabeth asked. "We don't, but I want a motorcycle and you're gonna tag along." Percy said.

"You're too young to drive." Annabeth argued. "Not in Red Grave I'm not. As long as I know how to drive I can. That's Red Grave for ta. No laws whatsoever. Just common sense." He smiled. "How is this place not crawling with crime?" Annabeth asked. "Like I said, common sense. The humans decided to band together against demons instead of fighting each other and the demons. It makes sense." Percy said. "That... actually does makes sense. Oddly enough." The blonde said. "Wait, but that doesn't explain the lack of law enforcement." Thalia said. "Government abandoned Red Grave and took us off the map in hopes of us being wiped out by the demons. It's fucked up, but hey. We survived." Percy said and stood up.

"Hold on. Gotta call a cab." Percy said and got his phone. "You have a phone?" Thalia asked. "Uh, yea. Why wouldn't I?" He asked back. "You're a demigod. We don't do phones. Attracts monsters." She said. Percy chuckled. "Yea, I'm not worried about that." He said and called the cab. "Pretty arrogant." She muttered. "Nah, he's right. He doesn't have a reason to worry." Annabeth said. "What?" The blonde sighed. "If there's one thing I have to give Percy, it's his strength. When we found out that he was half demon your dad was apparently listening so he tried to kill Percy with lightning, but Percy just absorbed the lightning and created to blonde female demon out of it. Later on he took out two gods with ease."

Thalia was shocked. Her face didn't show it much, but still. Fighting two gods and surviving the attack of another one was kind of a big deal in the Greek world. He acted so nonchalant though. Although, now that she thought about it that made sense. Being so powerful and never having an actual challenge in a fight would make anyone bored and overconfident.

"Alright. The cabs pulling up. Let's go." Percy said as he walked back over. Thalia and Annabeth stood up and followed him out of the restaurant.


As he said Percy had taken the girls to a motorcycle shop where he was now looking a different bikes. Thalia was looking around too, but had no real hope of actually getting one. Chiron wouldn't allow her to use it unless it was for a quest that Argus couldn't take her on and that was rare.

"You want one?" She spun around to see a smirking Percy. "Could you not do that?" She asked taking a deep breath. "Sorry. Sometimes I forget you guys can only sense danger." He said. "So, you want a bike?" He asked again. "Nah. I couldn't ride one." She said. "Why not?" Percy asked. "Really? One, I don't know how and two Chiron wouldn't let me." Percy scoffed. "You guys need to stop listening to every little thing he says. Chiron might be a decent guy, I don't know well enough to decide that, but I can tell you that he's babying all of you. He's trying to keep you safe in a world where safety isn't an option. He tries to preach about the gods good qualities knowing damn well they have none." Thalia had to agree.

Chiron was a great father figure, but that wasn't his job. He was supposed to train them to be warriors. Instead he told them to be normal humans despite knowing that they weren't.

"How about I buy you one and you can ride it while you're here or I can bring it to camp so you can ride around on that street in front of the camp." Percy offered. "That still doesn't change the fact that I don't know how to ride a motorcycle." She said. "I can teach you." He shrugged. "Are you just trying to get in my pants? Annabeth told me you were a whore." Thalia said with a raised eyebrow. "I am, but if I was trying to get in your pants you'd know. I'm not exactly subtle in my attempts." Percy responded. "How would I know that?" Thalia crossed her arms under her chest. "Well at this point your practically asking me to flirt with you." Percy said stepping closer to the girl. "Hah, in your dreams." Thalia scoffed.

"Dreams come true eventually." Percy smiled and walked away from a blushing Thalia. "Damn he's good." She muttered.


After a bit Percy had bought four motorcycles. Three for himself and a dirt bike for Thalia. She said that when she got the chance to visit him again she'd learn. Until then he could hold on to it. That he did. He took all the bikes back to the old Lost MC place and left them in front. He took Annabeth and Thalia back to the camp and then went back to his shop.

"Hey." Lady greeted. "Lady." Percy bowed his head mockingly and sat down. "So, how'd the casino shopping go? Heard you couldn't find anywhere." She said walking from the couch and sitting on the desk. "Nope. All the basements were two small." He said. "Um, can't you create alternate universes? Why couldn't you just use your powers to make the room bigger?" Lady asked. Percy stared at her. "You forgot didn't you?" She asked. He nodded. "Yea." Lady facepalmed and the screen fades to black.

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